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By request of the author, 10 limited collector's editions
of this book have been published. Each copy is marked
             with a number from 1 to 10.

Copyright © The Raelian Foundation 2005

The right of Rael to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted
by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 All
Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopied, printed, recorded or otherwise, without the prior
permission of the publisher and copyright holder.

This re-titled English Language edition is a newly combined re-translation
and updated edition of Rael's three original French books Le Livre Qui Dit La
Verite (The Book Which Tells The Truth) which first appeared in France in
1974, Les Extra-Terrestres M'ont Emmene Sur Leur Planete (Extra-Terrestrials
Took Me To Their Planet) and Accueillir les Extra-Terrestres (Let's Welcome
The Extra-terrestrials ). Similar English paperback editions were printed in
Japan in 1986 under the titles The Message Given To me By Extra-Terrestrials
(the first 2 books combined) and Lets Welcome Our Fathers from Space . In
1998 the combined first 2 books were released in England by Tagman Press
entitled The Final Message and again in the USA with the title The True Face
of God in 1999 and The Message Given by Extra-terrestrials in 2001.

ISBN : 2-940252-22-X
EAN : 9782940252220

This book is also available in hardcover: ISBN 2-940252-20-3

Publisher: Nova Distribution
The publisher may be contacted at:

Chief Editor and Project Manager: Cameron Hanly
Project Assistant: Line Gareau
Translation Review: B.B
Proof-reading: Panteha Naghi
Composition and Design: Cameron Hanly and Rob Chalfant
Cover-Design: Rael and Cameron Hanly

  Foreword                                        xi


1 THE ENCOUNTER                                   3

2 THE TRUTH                                       10
  Genesis                                         10
  The Flood                                       18
  The Tower of Babel                              22
  Sodom and Gomorrah                              23
  The Sacrifice of Abraham                        24

  Moses                                           26
  The Trumpets of Jericho                         33
  Samson the Telepathist                          35
  The First Residence to Welcome the Elohim       38
  Elijah the Messenger                            40
  The Multiplication of Bread                     42
  The Flying Saucers of Ezekiel                   45
The Last Judgement                     53
  Satan                                  57
  Humans Could Not Understand            59

4 THE ROLE OF CHRIST                    65
  The Conception                        65
  The Initiation                        66
  Parallel Humanities                   69
  Scientific Miracles                   73
  Deserving the Inheritance             75

5 THE END OF THE WORLD                  80
  1946, First Year of the New Era       80
  The End of the Church                 81
  The Creation of the State of Israel   84
  The Mistakes of the Church            86
  At the Root of All Religions          88
  Mankind: A Disease of the Universe    90
  Evolution: A Myth                     92

6 THE NEW COMMANDMENTS                   95
  Geniocracy                             95
  Humanitarianism                        97
  World Government                      100
  Your Mission                          101

7 THE ELOHIM                            105
  Nuclear Weapons                       105
  Overpopulation                        106
  The Secret of Eternity                108
  Chemical Education                    113
  The Raelian Movement                  115

  Introduction                                    121
  Two Years Have Passed                           122
  Childhood: a UFO over Ambert                    123
  The Pope of the Druids                          124
  Poetry                                          126
  The Encounter                                   136
  The Public Talks                                140

2 THE SECOND ENCOUNTER                            142
  The Sighting of July 31st, 1975                 142
  The Message: Part Two                           145
  Buddhism                                        150
  Neither God nor Soul                            153
  Paradise on Earth                               156
  The Other World                                 159
  Meeting the Ancient Prophets                    161
  A Foretaste of Paradise                         168
  The New Commandments                            175
  To the People of Israel                         176

3 THE KEYS                                        180
  Introduction                                    180
  Humanity                                        181
  Birth                                           182
  Education                                       183
  Sensual Education                               185
  Fulfillment                                     187
  Society and Government                          193
  Meditation and Prayer                           198
  The Arts                                        201
  Sensual Meditation                              201
Human Justice                                              203
  Science                                                    205
  The Human Brain                                            207
  The Apocalypse                                             207
  Telepathic Communication                                   209
  The Reward                                                 213
  The Guides                                                 222


1 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS                                 227
  Seeming Contradictions...                                  227
  Dating the Works of the Elohim                             230
  The People of Israel and the Jews                          231
  The Raelian Movement and Money                             232
  Nothing is Constant in Space and Time                      234
  Transmission of the Cellular Plan and the Forehead Bone.   236
  Is the Earth an Atom of the Finger of God?                 239
  Noah’s Ark – A Space Craft?                                240
  Life After Life – or Dream and Reality?                    241
  The Elohim’s Scientific Level of Development               243
  Neither God nor Soul...                                    245
  The Religion of the Infinite                               248
  The Future of Traditional Religions                        249
  Raelism and Geniocracy                                     250
  Who Created the Creator of the Creators?                   252
  What is the Purpose of Life?                               255
  What is Pleasure?                                          257
  What is Death?                                             262
  Sexual Freedom and No Obligation                           270
  Raelism and Homosexuality                                  272
  Deists and Evolutionists: The False Prophets               273
  Suicide                                                    275
2 THE NEW REVELATIONS                                276
  The Devil Does Not Exist, I Met Him                276
  My Father Who Art in Heaven                        288
  Message from Yahweh to the Men of the Earth        291

3 AN ATHEIST RELIGION                                308
  Angels Without Wings                               308
  ‘Deresponsibilisation’                             314

  Raelism Through the Eyes of Science                327
  Impressions of a ‘Priest’                          334
  Yes... I am Raelian                                339
  The Consecration of My Priesthood                  344
  To Become Active So As Not To Become Radioactive   349
  From Marxism to Raelism Adhesion                   352
  A New Art of Living                                353

5 ADDENDUM                                           356
  Encounter of October 7th, 1976                     356
  The Message of the Elohim, March 14th, 1978        357
  Modification of the New Commandments               358
  Message of the Elohim, December 13th, 1997         358
  The United Nations - Rael, September 2005          361

  Author’s Postscript                                364
  Additional Information                             373
  Seminars and Contacts                              374
  Acknowledgements                                   375
  Other Books by Rael                                376
  Notes and References                               378
  Bibliography                                       380
  Index                                              381

                             Anthony Grey
     international best-selling novelist, journalist and broadcaster

This extraordinary volume of writings, I am certain, contains revealed
information of the greatest magnitude and importance for humanity.
Combining for the first time three important books in one and
written in very simple, matter-of-fact terms, this newly
comprehensive narrative provides for me the only truly persuasive
explanation I have discovered to date of our physical origins, our
planetary history, our place and present standing in our known
universe, and last but not least, the reasons behind our chronically
divisive and potentially self-destructive global religious beliefs.
   For all these reasons I believe that this new book, along with four
others written by Rael, has the power to transform our understanding
of our greatly troubled world and open the way towards a new and
unprecedented era of global peace, harmony and unprecedented
scientific and social progress.
   Above all, the writings by Rael between these covers affirm that we
are not alone in our universe. They demonstrate that we are at present
very junior but highly potent members of a greater clan of galactic
humanity just like ourselves - we are loved, observed and guided so
far as we chose to allow ourselves to be, by a superior advanced
human civilization that conceived and engineered our very existence
on this planet.
   Although these three-books-in-one do not exhaustively say
everything nor answer every conceivable question about our universe
and ourselves, they vastly overshadow everything else published in the
UFO/space field by offering obviously authoritative insights into


topics as diverse as the infinite nature of all living matter, our
planetary history, human and plant genetics, sexuality, sensuality,
psychology, politics, and the true nature of criminality. They also
throw fascinating new light on many other mundane issues including
property ownership, wise child-rearing, the outdated values of our
conventional marriage systems, and the high importance of sport,
even violent sport, in creating and sustaining harmonious and
peaceful human societies.
   In reporting details of how all life forms on Earth including the
ecology and ourselves were engineered by human scientists from
another part of our galaxy, Rael effectively demystifies and refocuses
all the ancient scriptures of the world's major religions. While
emphasizing that all faiths and their historical traditions and cultures
still deserve our respect, he makes it clear how they have become
outdated while still continuing to testify obscurely to this newly
revealed practical scientific reality. Most controversially, this volume
abolishes the notion that a benevolent, all-knowing, all-powerful,
spiritual, mysterious and immaterial God presides over us all.
   The scriptures of all the major religions, it emphasizes, are about
representatives of that ultra-sophisticated and highly refined
civilization - human beings just like ourselves - who care deeply about
us, because it was here that they first discovered and developed their
own genius for transforming life from planet to planet by their
mastery of DNA. In short, this massively important book sets our
past, present and future on a firm scientific basis without diminishing
the beauty, joy and spirituality of our existence. In fact, it greatly
enhances the understanding and practice of a new common-sense
spirituality based around meditation and achieving the inner peace
and harmony that is eminently appropriate in this new era of space
travel and genetic modification of ourselves and our environment.
   The author of these unique writings was born Claude Vorilhon in
France in September 1946. He changed his name to Rael, which
means 'messenger' in Hebrew, after meeting a human being from
another planet when a small spacecraft landed in a remote volcanic
region of south central France in December 1973. During several

meetings on successive days, its human occupant verbally dictated to
him most of the first book of this volume, saying it was 'a message to
be addressed to all humanity'. He told Rael that all the great prophets
of the major religions throughout our history had been given
information appropriate to the educational level of their times in
precisely this way and invited Rael to take on the mission of making
what he called 'our final message' known worldwide. Rael accepted
the task and rapidly wrote and published the first book himself in
French under the disarmingly simple title The Book Which Tells the
   Nearly two years later, in October 1975, a second encounter
occurred in woodland near Brantome in the Perigord region of
France, and this time Rael was invited aboard the advanced spacecraft
and taken on an astonishing revelatory journey. Rael describes this
fully in the second section of the book entitled Extra-Terrestrials Took
Me to Their Planet, which he also originally published as a separate
volume in French in late 1975.
   In view of the fact that American, Russian, Chinese, and European
astronauts are so far known to have succeeded in venturing only into
the nearest margins of space - at most into orbit around the Earth and
our moon - it perhaps seems outlandish at first sight to accept that
without a spacesuit or any other special apparatus, Rael could have
been whisked unexpectedly from a wooded European glade to
another planet far across our galaxy. But this is what he describes here
in those same detached, matter- of-fact terms, detailing many
extraordinary experiences on the planet of his hosts who call
themselves 'the Elohim'. Having known him now for some 13 years,
I have no doubt that he is describing here real and factual experiences.
   In a third book entitled Let's Welcome the Extra-terrestrials,
originally published in 1979 and now for the first time joined with
the first two books in this updated volume, Rael answers some of the
commonest questions that were repeatedly asked about his original
writings in the early years by journalists and others. Very significantly,
he also adds in that third book further new amplifying material about
his own personal background, which he says he was asked by his

informants in 1975 to withhold for three further years. Other equally
important writings have followed in successive books entitled Sensual
Meditation, Yes to Human Cloning, Geniocracy, and The Maitreya. To
get a true and complete picture of his unprecedented revelations and
insights it is important to read all of these books.
   In recounting this brief outline of Rael's story, I have not inserted
any customary qualifying words such as 'alleged' or 'reported' which
responsible journalists - and especially former foreign correspondents
who have reported from Beijing and Berlin among other datelines -
might rightly be expected to employ to distance themselves from any
controversial or improbable information they are conveying. I've
done this quite intentionally to underline my conviction that Rael is
a man of high integrity describing genuine experiences in a sincere
and totally truthful fashion.
   An international journalist such as I have been is of course
accustomed to assessing the reliability or otherwise of those he quotes
for information, even when sometimes concealing his confidant's
identity behind a stock phrase like 'a usually well-informed source' or
'a usually reliable source'. In this regard, my estimation of Rael is that
he is an eminently reliable witness to what he has experienced,
fantastic though it often may seem. I think that he is indeed 'a
uniquely well informed and reliable source' and, after hearing him
speak in public lectures over a period of thirteen years and after
reviewing my own and other recorded broadcast interviews with him,
it is my impression that perhaps even now he is saying less than
everything he learned during those extraordinary, unsought meetings
in the mid-1970s on this planet and beyond. More importantly
perhaps, the profound logic and rationality of what he was told by his
informants appear unassailable to me.
   I interviewed Rael twice in preparing an investigative radio
documentary series for the BBC World Service entitled 'UFOs - Fact,
Fiction or Fantasy?' I also interviewed sane, responsible Frenchmen
who met and decided to support him during the period immediately
following his two extraordinary encounters in the 1970s. I have also
come to know and respect as friends many other leading and rank-

and-file members of his international organization. In presenting
Rael's story briefly to a world radio audience as just one aspect of the
complex UFO phenomenon, I observed the time-honored
journalistic practice of impartial detachment - but here I have no
hesitation in publicly declaring my conviction that Rael has written
books of the utmost importance and significance for our
understanding of ourselves and the known universe in which we live.
   If that is so, it is legitimate to ask, why are the contents of this book
not yet universally known and accepted in the world some thirty-two
years after the first of them was made public? In short, there was a
sharp flurry of public interest in France after Rael announced the
outline of what he had been told on a television chat show as soon as
he finished his first book. But somehow the remarkable story did not
immediately gain widespread acceptance in Europe, nor did it travel
further abroad at that time along normal news channels. One
explanation for this is that the national and international news media
are curiously conservative in their approach to reporting news which
is unprecedented. Well worn clichéd stories that are safe and reliable
always find their way into broadcast bulletins and newspapers while
anything truly radical appears to go through a long period of being
reported scoffingly if at all. Decrying the likely truth of
unprecedented information is a seemingly knee-jerk ploy which
many journalists habitually employ over and over again to avoid any
suspicion that they or their organization are gullible. To a large extent
this has been happening to Rael's extraordinarily important
information over the past thirty years or so, and the world's media
has generally so far failed to inform its public about it very widely.
   There are some signs, however, that this is beginning to change at
long last. This is to be welcomed since in my considered view the
contents of this book constitute a front-page, banner headline, top-
of-the-bulletin story which has never been given its due global
prominence. Little by little as the years since l973 have passed, new
scientific discoveries have confirmed the veracity of Rael's originally
startling information. When proven to be fully true, the body of
information that is presented in the following pages will, I feel

confident, be seen as the greatest revelation in mankind's recorded
history. But of course until now there have been two obvious reasons
why it has not been quickly recognized as such.
   Firstly, there is no incontrovertible, physical proof to back up what
Rael has written. And secondly, the nature of what he says is deeply
disturbing to the entrenched belief systems of religious, scientific,
academic, and other institutions all around the world.
As individuals too, we are all unconsciously influenced by the
conventions of our education, our upbringing and that limited
climate of thought fostered by our world's conservative and
unadventurous mainstream news media.
   All this is not surprising since it requires considerable effort on the
part of individuals to become independently open-minded and
overcome such influences. For these reasons, this extraordinary
information has seeped out only slowly around the world over the
past thirty-two years, largely through the steady, unspectacular efforts
of the International Raelian Movement which at the time of writing
lays claim to some 60,000 members in nearly ninety countries.
   For more than thirty years now, Rael himself has, with gentle and
patient good humour, explained his story again and again, certainly
thousands of times to radio, television and print journalists in most
of the countries of the world. When mocked or derided as he has
often been in live or recorded studio interviews at which I have been
present as his English language commercial publisher and a supporter
of his extraordinary mission, he has always conducted himself with
the same quiet courtesy and unshakable confidence. Never once have
I seen him lose the calm demeanor of a man who knows without any
shadow of doubt that he is telling the truth.
   As far as providing proof is concerned, however, Rael quotes the
Elohim as saying that they are deliberately withholding any outright
physical evidence that would support their revelations - beyond the
fact that their spacecraft will appear more and more frequently in our
skies as time goes by. It is very important, they say, that we consider
all their final information without proof - the logic and rationality of
what they have revealed effectively contains its own hallmark of truth.

Whether or not we understand and accept their information and
philosophical teaching and insights, they say, is a vital test of our
intelligence and powers of perception, and from our reactions they
will judge whether we are mature enough to be entrusted with their
highly superior scientific and social knowledge, which is 25,000 years
in advance of our own.
   They explain that they do not choose to land openly and officially
in any one country because that would involve violating our
planetary air space, both at national and international levels. Landing
anywhere at all might also seem to imply approval of that particular
country's government and philosophy - and they do not so approve
of any existing nation on Earth. Therefore they need a diplomatic
embassy of their own with the kind of extraterritorial rights enjoyed
by any respected, visiting diplomat in a foreign state. Since their first
embassy on Earth was Jerusalem's first temple, they have asked for
their new modern embassy to be built as close as possible to that most
ancient of all cities in the heart of Israel.
   Despite the minimal media acceptance to date of Rael and what he
stands for, the passage of time has already provided its own growing
substantiation of what he has written. In 1974-75 when he first
began to say that all life forms on Earth had been created in
laboratories by Elohim scientists via their mastery of DNA, our own
genetic research scientists were far less advanced in their work than
they are today. In February 1997, about a quarter of a century after
Rael's first encounter with the visitor from space, there came the
announcement of an historic, global breakthrough in the field of
biology, made from Edinburgh in Scotland, revealing that British
embryologists had succeeded in artificially cloning a sheep named
   The cloning of human beings, it was said then, would become
possible within two years and Rael promptly issued a press release
saying: 'All this demonstrates that the technology which was
considered impossible at the time of my original revelations is now
perfectly attainable.'


The prediction that it would be possible to clone a human being in
two years did not in the event prove accurate. However, Rael founded
a new company called Clonaid that same year which became the first
commercial enterprise in the world offering cloning services to the
public - and in December 2002 five years after the announcement of
Dolly's birth, Dr Brigitte Boisselier, Clonaid's president, announced
at a crowded press conference in Miami that the company had
assisted the first successful cloned human birth of a baby girl named
Eve. Dr Boisselier later announced that Clonaid had achieved a
succession of other cloned births in a number of countries around the
world. Legal complications halted Clonaid's plan to present
immediate medical and scientific proof of these cloned births to the
world and that remained the position in the autumn of 2005 as this
book was going to press. Dr Boisselier explained publicly that
Clonaid's wish to protect the privacy and security of the cloned
babies and their parents was the prime concern, but proof of
Clonaid's achievements would be published at the right time.
   Meanwhile, new advances in understanding cloning, DNA and
stem cells continue to appear regularly in our newspapers
contributing new support to what Rael has been writing and saying
over the past thirty years. In one notable example, Japanese scientists
announced that their research indicated that the gene pool for all
races on Earth originated from a surprisingly small common base
dating back approximately 13,000 years. This figure echoed what
Rael had written with uncanny precision since the Elohim had said
they began their work here 25,000 years ago and had spent some
12,000 years preparing the planet and creating the ecology, the
marine and bird life and then land mammals before embarking
finally on the creation of human beings 'in their own image'.
   Rael says the Elohim leaders have been alive continually during
those 25,000 years, having long since learned how to genetically
recreate the human body with memory and personality intact. Soon,
they contend, we will be able to expand our own average life span to
around 1,000 years on our way to emulating them. Rael says they also
monitor the thoughts and deeds of every individual on Earth by

computer and can recreate each and any of us at will at the moment
of death by a remote sampling of a single cell of our bodies. He
reports that some 8,000 individuals from Earth had already been
recreated on their planet when he was taken there in 1975.
   Outside of practical scientific laboratory research a recent highly
significant development in the academic field has provided new
support for Rael's message. On 4 August 2004 the most
comprehensive challenge to Darwin's Theory of Evolution known as
Intelligent Design Theory was presented quietly to the world. This
new theory hypothesizes that no new living entity can happen by
chance and it was presented formally by Dr. Stephen C. Meyer,
Director of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science & Culture in
an article published in its biology journal by the National Museum of
Natural History at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C.
   The journal, Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington
(volume 117, no. 2, pp. 213-239), carried an article entitled 'The
Origin of Biological Information and the Higher Taxonomic
Categories,' in which Dr. Meyer argued that no current theory of
evolution could account for the origin of the information necessary
to build novel animal forms. He proposed 'intelligent design' as an
alternative explanation. This article represented an historic
breakthrough for those who have long questioned Darwin's
unproven theory because it was published in a peer reviewed
academic journal and has since been used increasingly as a reference
by scientists who were previously obliged to refer only to evolution
theory in explaining their discoveries.
   Commenting on this development at the time, Dr Boisselier said
those who supported Rael all over the world had cause to rejoice at
this event since it made it possible for biologists to look at living
entities not as the result of random mutations but more as
sophisticated creations in which every detail had been thought out
and had a reason to exist. "Biology will go so fast," she said, "once
biologists stop being blinded by the evolution theory. I am sure that
in ten years from now scientists will look back and wonder why they
accepted evolution for so long."

   This landmark academic event brought the new conceptual term
'Intelligent Design' into public awareness and opened a new era of
debate about evolution theory and our origins. Quickly becoming
known in short as ID, 'intelligent design' is now beginning to be
studied and developed in some respected universities. Even President
George W. Bush, who is not renowned for his intervention in purely
intellectual debates, has declared that 'intelligent design' is as likely an
explanation as evolution theory.
   Does this mean that President Bush has taken the first step on his
way to becoming a Raelian? Perhaps, perhaps not. Whatever the
truth proves to be, this is another illustration of the gradual
emergence of strong corroboration of Rael's story. Indeed we might
speculate that the very essence of the Elohim's 'intelligent design' is
that they are waking up the world they created to the whole truth
very slowly since being shocked suddenly and instantly into full
wakefulness from deep sleep is always very unpleasant and sometimes
   However, it is for all these reasons that the title Intelligent Design -
Message from the Designers has been given to this new edition of Rael's
writings. In a striking new Author's Postscript to this book Rael
develops this theme to a new level. He says that the original and
unique Raelian explanation of the origins of life on Earth effectively
offers a Third Way between Darwin and Genesis and it can best be
described as atheist Intelligent Design, which is the scientific creation
of life on Earth performed by an advanced human civilization. And
uniquely this Third Way is reproducible in a laboratory.
   Having said all that, I must emphasize that no brief summary can
really do justice to the high import of this whole book. To grasp the
full significance of all its major assertions requires that measured
consideration be given to each and all of them in their context.
Therefore, I trust in writing this foreword that others on reading it,
will be encouraged to give the whole book a careful reading. If it is all
true, and I feel sure it has been honestly and truthfully reported, then
nothing in the world could be more important.


   The world of UFO research is awash with many amazing and often
conflicting testimonies and claims about life beyond our planet,
virtually all of them unproven. What Rael has written does not
reconcile all these conflicts in an instant - and nothing could. Outside
of the disturbing and still unexplained phenomenon of claimed
abduction experiences which have been reported worldwide, other
people have come forward over the past forty or fifty years to insist
that they have had friendly personal contacts with extra-terrestrial
visitors to our planet. The list of 'contactees' contains some fraudsters
as well as others who are obviously sincere. But none of them has
remotely approached Rael in the sheer scale of the information
reportedly offered - and Rael is adamant that he alone has been
entrusted with conveying these truths.
   It is just over thirteen years at the time of writing since I first read
the contents of this book myself. Presented with a combined copy of
the first two books by a French business executive whom I had met
at a conference, I began reading them after getting into bed late one
evening - and read on right through the entire night until I finished
them, never once sleeping then or even during the whole of the next
   I was seized almost immediately by a feeling of awe that I had, by
good fortune, stumbled across the greatest possible truths - and that
feeling has never left me since then.
   After reflecting and musing carefully on the book's enormous
implications over the past thirteen years, I still firmly believe as
indicated above that it has the potential to transform us and our
world beyond all present expectations. At a purely practical level, if
national leaders could take this book seriously and steel themselves to
the thought that our world is in comparison a backward 'developing
country' with many seemingly insoluble problems, and that
unlimited aid and assistance is available from a generous, highly-
advanced Superpower living beyond our planet, then working
towards an historic meeting with representatives of the Elohim at the
world's first extra-terrestrial embassy near to Jerusalem could be seen
as a worthy and sensible international goal.

   Equally important I believe, is the book's core revelation about the
very nature of the reality in which we live. Things infinitely small, the
Elohim say, have exactly the same structure as things infinitely large
- and they assured Rael they had proved this scientifically. This
sounds incredible perhaps because our own science can not yet
conceive of it, but they say that the atoms and sub-atoms in the cells
of our bodies are mirror images of the universe above us; they contain
minute planetary systems and galaxies on which complex, intelligent
life forms like ourselves exist.
   Similarly our own planet, solar system, galaxy and universe are tiny
particles in an atom of some immense organic being and all matter at
different levels mirrors itself in this way. Matter and time have no
beginning and no end, they say, and everything is cyclic.
   Interlocked Star of David triangles symbolizing these fundamental
truths - which are illustrated and explained in the selection of
photographs printed in this book - were emblazoned on the first
extra-terrestrial spacecraft which landed before Rael's eyes in France.
During his second encounter he was taught meditation techniques
rooted in these understandings which he has been assiduously passing
on ever since at annual seminars held on all five continents of the
world. Called 'sensual meditation' or 'meditation of all senses', these
techniques are designed to awaken the individual mind to its greatest
potential by first fully awakening the physical sensibilities of the
   The undoubted benefits of any kind of meditation are being
recognized increasingly by the medical professions but the techniques
taught by Rael specifically help individuals to feel a greater sense of
harmony with the infinite nature of all things and consequently with
each other. Beneficial chemical reactions are stimulated within the
body, health is enhanced, mental and physical inner ease increases. In
short, what is unique about these teachings and practices is that they
combine the spiritual with the scientific in a common-sense fashion,
promising a transformation of society that begins where any real
change must begin - with the individual.


   In my view, for the many reasons outlined here publication of
Intelligent Design - Message from the Designers marks the end of a long
era of incomprehension and ignorance about ourselves and the
purposes of our existence. I don't think its potential importance can
be overstated: in my view it is simply the most important book to be
published anywhere in the world for two thousand years. If it receives
the attention it deserves, I believe it could herald and usher in an
unprecedented epoch of worldwide enlightenment and change.

                                                                   Autumn 2005
                                                                 Norwich, England

Anthony Grey is a former foreign correspondent with Reuters in Eastern Europe and China
– where he was held hostage for two years during the Cultural Revolution -- and the author
of the international best-selling historical novels, Saigon, Peking and Tokyo Bay.

B   O    O    K          O   N    E

                     THE ENCOUNTER

E    ver since I was nine years old I have had but one passion - motor
     racing. I founded a specialist motor sport magazine in 1970,
simply to be able to live in the environment of a sport where man is
constantly trying to surpass himself while striving to surpass others.
Since my early childhood I had dreamed of one day being a racing-
car driver, following in the footsteps of someone as famous as Fangio.
Thanks to contacts made through the magazine I founded, I was
given the opportunity to race and about ten trophies now adorn my
apartment as a result of those races.
   On the 13th of December 1973, however, I went to a volcano
overlooking Clermont-Ferrand in central southern France. I went
more to get a breath of fresh air than to take a drive in my car. My
legs were itching after a full year following the races from circuit to
circuit, almost always living on four wheels, so to speak.
   The air was cool at the time, and the sky rather gray with a
background mist. I walked and jogged a little and left the path where
my car was parked, aiming to reach the center of the crater called
Puy-de-Lassolas where I often went for picnics with my family in the
   What a superb and breathtaking place it was! To think that
thousands of years ago, right where my feet were standing, lava had
spurted out at incredibly high temperatures. Decorative volcanic
‘bombs’ can still be found among the debris. The stunted vegetation
resembled that of Province in France but without sunshine.


   I was just about to leave and looked for the last time towards the
top of the circular mountain, which was formed by an accumulation
of volcanic slag. It reminded me how many times I had slid down
those steep slopes, as if I was on skis. Suddenly in the fog, I saw a red
light flashing; then a sort of helicopter was descending towards me. A
helicopter, however, makes a noise but at that moment, I could hear
absolutely nothing, not even the slightest whistle. A balloon maybe?

              Site of Rael’s first encounter: Puy de Lassolas, near
                  Clermont-Ferrand, December 13th, 1973.


By now, the object was about twenty meters above the ground, and I
could see it had a somewhat flattened shape.
   It was a flying saucer.
   I had always believed in their existence, but I had never dreamed I
would actually see one. It measured some seven meters in diameter,
about 2.5 meters in height, was flat underneath and cone-shaped. On
its underside, a very bright red light flashed, while at the top an
intermittent white light reminded me of a camera flash cube. This
white light was so intense, that I could not look at it without
   The object continued to descend, without the slightest noise until
it stopped and hovered motionless about two meters above the
ground. I was petrified and remained absolutely still. I was not afraid,
but rather filled with joy to be living through such a great moment.
I bitterly regretted not having brought my camera with me.
   Then the incredible happened. A trap door opened beneath the
machine and a kind of stairway unfolded to the ground. I realized
that some living being was about to appear, and I wondered what it
was going to look like.
   First two feet appeared then two legs, which reassured me a little,
since apparently I was about to meet a man. In the event, what at first
I took to be a child came down the stairway and walked straight
towards me.
   I could see then this was certainly no child even though the figure
was only about four feet (1.2 meters) tall. His eyes were slightly
almond shaped, his hair was black and long, and he had a small black
beard. I still had not moved, and he stopped about ten meters away
from me.
   He wore some sort of green one-piece suit, which covered his entire
body, and although his head seemed to be exposed, I could see
around it a strange sort of halo. It was not really a halo but the air
about his face shone slightly and shimmered. It looked like an
invisible shield, like a bubble, so fine that you could barely see it. His
skin was white with a slightly greenish tinge, a bit like someone with
liver trouble.

   He smiled faintly, and I thought it best to return his smile. I felt
rather ill at ease, so I smiled and bowed my head slightly in greeting.
He answered with the same gesture. Thinking that I had to find out
if he could hear me, I asked: ‘Where do you come from?’
   He answered in a strong, articulate voice that was slightly nasal:
‘From very far away.’
   ‘Do you speak French?’ I enquired.
   ‘I speak all the languages of the Earth.’
   ‘Do you come from another planet?’
   ‘Yes,’ he replied.
   As he spoke, he moved closer and stopped about two meters from
   ‘Is this the first time you have visited the Earth?’
   ‘Oh no!’
   ‘Have you been here often?’
   ‘Very often - to say the least.’
   ‘Why did you come here?’
   ‘Today, to talk to you.’
   ‘To me?’
   ‘Yes, to you, Claude Vorilhon, editor of a small motor sport
magazine, married and father of two children.’
   ‘How do you know all that?’
   ‘We have been watching you for a long time.’
   ‘Why me?’
   ‘This is precisely what I want to tell you. Why did you come here
on this cold winter morning?’
   ‘I don’t know... I felt like walking in the fresh air...’
   ‘Do you come here often?’
   ‘In the summer yes, but almost never in this season.’
   ‘So why did you come today? Had you planned this walk for a long
   ‘No. I don’t really know. When I woke up this morning I suddenly had
an urge to come here.’
   ‘You came because I wanted to see you. Do you believe in

   ‘Yes, of course, it’s something I’ve always been interested in - as well as
the subject of “flying saucers”. But I never thought I’d see one myself.’
   ‘Well, I used telepathy to get you to come here because I have
many things to tell you. Have you read the Bible?’
   ‘Yes, but why do you ask?’
   ‘Have you been reading it for a long time?’
   ‘No, as a matter of fact, I bought it only a few days ago.’
   ‘I really don’t know. Suddenly I had an urge to read it...’
   ‘Again I used telepathy to make you decide to buy it. I have chosen
you for a very difficult mission, and I have many things to tell you.
So come into my craft where we can talk more comfortably.’
   I followed him, climbing up the small staircase beneath the
machine, which, on closer inspection, looked more like a flattened
bell with a full and bulging underside. Inside it, two seats faced one
another, and the temperature was mild even though the door was still
   There was no lamp, but natural light emanated from everywhere.
There were no instruments like those you find in an aircraft cockpit.
The floor was made of a sparkling alloy, which was slightly bluish.
The chairs were colorless and translucent, but very comfortable and
made from one piece of material. I sat on the larger one that was set
closer to the floor, so that the face of the little man sitting in front of
me was at the same level as mine.
   He touched a spot on the wall, and the whole machine became
transparent except for its top and bottom. It was like being in the
open air, but the temperature was mild. He invited me to take off my
coat, which I did, and then he started to speak.
   ‘You regret not having brought your camera so that you could have
talked about our meeting to the whole world - with proof in your
   ‘Yes, of course...’
   ‘Listen to me carefully. You will tell human beings about this
meeting, but you will tell them the truth about what they are, and
about what we are. Judging from their reactions we will know if we

can show ourselves freely and officially. Wait until you know
everything before you start speaking publicly. Then you will be able
to defend yourself properly against those people who will not believe
you and you will be able to bring them incontestable proof. You will
write down everything I tell you and publish the writings as a book.’
   ‘But why did you choose me?’
   ‘For many reasons. First of all, we needed someone in a country
where new ideas are welcomed and where it is possible to talk about
such ideas openly. Democracy was born in France, and this country
has a reputation the world over for being the country of freedom.
Also we needed someone who is intelligent and quite open to
everything. Above all we needed someone who is a free thinker
without being anti-religious. Because you were born of a Jewish
father and a Catholic mother, we consider you to be an ideal link
between two very important peoples in the history of the world.
Besides, your activities do not in any way predispose you to making
incredible revelations, and this will make your words all the more
credible. Since you are not a scientist, you will not complicate things
and will explain them simply. Not being a literary man, you won’t
compose elaborate sentences, which are difficult to read for a great
many people. Finally, we decided to choose someone who was born
after the first atomic explosion in 1945, and you were born in 1946.
We have in fact been following you since your birth, and even before.
This is why we have chosen you. Do you have any other questions?’
   ‘Where do you come from?’
   ‘From a distant planet about which I will tell you nothing for fear
that men of the Earth might be unwise enough to disturb our peace.’
   ‘Is your planet very far away?’
   ‘Very far. When I tell you the distance you will understand that it
is impossible to reach it with your present level of scientific and
technical knowledge.’
   ‘What are you called?’
   ‘We are people like you, and we live on a planet similar to Earth.’
   ‘How long does it take you to come here?’
   ‘As long as it takes to think about it.’

   ‘Why do you come to Earth?’
   ‘To monitor and watch over the development of humanity.
Human beings on Earth are the future, we are the past.’
   ‘Are there many people on your planet?’
   ‘There are more people than on yours.’
   ‘I would like to visit your planet. Can I?’
   ‘No. First of all you couldn’t live there because the atmosphere is
different from yours, and you have not been trained for such a
   ‘But why meet here?’
   ‘Because the crater of a volcano is an ideal place, away from
irksome people. I shall leave you now. Come back tomorrow at the
same time with the Bible and something to take notes with. Do not
bring any metallic object and speak to no one of our conversation,
otherwise we will never meet again.’
   He handed me my coat, let me climb down the ladder and waved
his hand. The ladder folded up and the door closed without a sound.
Still without making the slightest murmur or any whistling sound,
the craft rose gently to a height of about 400 meters, then
disappeared into the mist.


                         THE TRUTH


T     he following day I was at the meeting place again as arranged
      with a notebook, a pen and the Bible. The flying machine
reappeared on time, and I found myself face to face once more with
the little man who invited me to enter the machine and sit in the
same comfortable chair.
   I had spoken to nobody about all this, not even to those closest to
me, and he was happy to learn that I had been discreet. He suggested
I take notes, and then he started to speak:
   ‘A very long time ago on our distant planet, we had reached a level
of technical and scientific knowledge, comparable to that which you
will soon reach. Our scientists had started to create primitive,
embryonic forms of life, namely living cells in test tubes. Everyone
was thrilled by this.’
   The scientists perfected their techniques and began creating bizarre
little animals but the government, under pressure from public
opinion, ordered the scientists to stop their experiments for fear they
would create monsters, which would become dangerous to society. In
fact one of these animals had broken loose and killed several people.
   Since at that time, interplanetary and intergalactic explorations
had also made progress, the scientists decided to set out for a distant
planet where they could find most of the necessary conditions to
pursue their experiments. They chose Earth where you live. Now I


would like you to refer to the Bible where you will find traces of the
truth about your past. These traces, of course, have been somewhat
distorted by successive transcribers who could not conceive of such
high technology and could therefore only explain what was described
as being a mystical and supernatural force.
   Only the parts of the Bible that I will translate are important.
Other parts are merely poetic babblings of which I will say nothing.
I am sure you can appreciate that, thanks to the law, which said that
the Bible had always to be re-copied without changing even the
smallest detail, the deepest meaning has remained intact throughout
the ages, even if the text has been larded with mystical and futile
   So let us start with the first chapter of the Book of Genesis:

        In the beginning Elohim created the heaven and the earth.
                                                          Genesis 1: 1.

   Elohim, translated without justification in some Bibles by the word
God means in Hebrew “those who came from the sky”, and
furthermore the word is a plural. It means that the scientists from our
world searched for a planet that was suitable to carry out their
projects. They “created”, or in reality discovered the Earth, and
realized it contained all the necessary elements for the creation of
artificial life, even if its atmosphere was not quite the same as our

        And the Spirit of Elohim moved upon the face of the waters.
                                                       Genesis 1: 2.

   This means the scientists made reconnaissance flights, and what
you might call artificial satellites were placed around the Earth to
study its constitution and atmosphere. The Earth was, at that time,
completely covered with water and thick mist.


        And Elohim saw the light, that it was good. Genesis 1: 4.

   To create life on Earth it was important to know whether the sun
was sending harmful rays to the Earth’s surface, and this question was
fully researched. It turned out that the sun was heating the Earth
correctly without sending out harmful rays. In other words the “light
was good”.

        And the evening and the morning were the first day. Genesis 1: 5.

  This research took quite some time. The “day” mentioned here
corresponds to the period in which your sun rises under the same sign
on the day of the vernal equinox, in other words, about 2,000 years
on Earth.

        And Elohim made the firmament, and divided the waters which
        were under the firmament from the waters which were above the
        firmament. Genesis 1: 7.

   After studying the cosmic rays above the clouds the scientists
descended below the clouds but stayed above the waters. That means
they were between the clouds, “the waters which were above the
firmament”, and the ocean covering the whole planet, “the waters
which were under the firmament”.

        Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one
        place, and let the dry land appear. Genesis 1: 9.

   After they studied the surface of the ocean they studied the sea bed
and determined that it was not very deep and fairly even everywhere.
So then, by means of fairly strong explosions, which acted rather like
bulldozers, they raised matter from the bottom of the seas and piled
it up into one place to form a continent.


   Originally there was on Earth only one continent, and your
scientists have recently acknowledged that all the continents, which
have drifted apart over many years, used to fit perfectly into one
another to form one land mass.

       Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the
       fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon
       the earth. Genesis 1: 11.

   In this magnificent and gigantic laboratory, they created vegetable
cells from nothing other than chemicals, which then produced
various types of plants. All their efforts were aimed at reproduction.
The few blades of grass they created had to reproduce on their own.
   The scientists spread out across this immense continent in small
research teams. Every individual created different varieties of plants
according to their inspiration and the climate. They met up at regular
intervals to compare their research and their creations. The people
back on their own planet followed their progress from afar with
passion and amazement. The most brilliant artists came and joined
the scientists in order to give some plants purely decorative and
pleasing roles, either through their appearance or their perfume.

       Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the
       day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and
       for days, and years. Genesis 1: 14.

   By observing the stars and the sun they could measure the duration
of the days, the months and the years on Earth. This helped them
regulate their life on the new planet - so different from their own
where days and years did not have the same duration. Research in
astronomy enabled them to locate themselves precisely and to
understand the Earth better.


        Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and
        let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the
        heavens. Genesis 1: 20.

   Next they created the first aquatic animals, from plankton to small
fish, then very large fish. They also created seaweed to balance this
little world, so that the small fish could feed on it and the bigger fish
could eat the small fish in turn.
   Thus a natural balance would be established, and one species
would not destroy another species in order to survive. This is what
you now refer to as “ecology”, and that was achieved successfully. The
scientists and artists met often and organized competitions to
determine which team had created the most beautiful or most
interesting animals.
   After the fish they created birds. This was done under pressure, it
must be said, from the artists, who went out of their way to create the
most stunning forms with the craziest colors. Some of them had great
trouble flying because their beautiful feathers were very cumbersome.
The contests went even further, embracing not only physical
characteristics but also the behavior of these animals, particularly the
wonderful dances of their mating rituals.
   Some other groups of scientists created frightful animals, veritable
monsters, which proved right those people who had opposed the
creation plans on their own planet. These were dragons, or what you
call dinosaurs and brontosaurs.

        Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind:
        cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to
        its kind. Genesis 1: 24.

  After marine organisms and birds, the scientists created land
animals on a planet where the vegetation had by now become
magnificent. There was plenty of food for the herbivores. These were
the first land animals which were created. Later they created


carnivores to balance the herbivorous population. Here too, the
species had to maintain equilibrium. Those scientists who did all this
came from the same planet as me. I am one of those people who
created life on Earth.
   It was at that time that the most skillful among us wanted to create
an artificial human being like ourselves. Each team set to work, and
very soon we were able to compare our creations. But on our home
planet people were outraged when they heard that we were making
“test tube children” who might come to threaten their world. They
feared that these new human beings could become a danger if their
mental capacities or powers turned out to be superior to those of their
creators. So we had to agree to leave the new humans to live in a very
primitive way without letting them know anything scientific, and we
mystified our actions. It is easy to work out how many teams of
creators did this - each race on Earth corresponds to a team of

        Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let
        them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the
        air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping
        thing that creeps on the earth. Genesis 1: 26.

   “In our image!” You can see that the resemblance is striking. That
is when the trouble started for us. The team located in the country
you now call Israel, which at the time was not far from Greece and
Turkey on the original continent, was composed of brilliant creators
who were perhaps the most talented team of all.
   Their animals were the most beautiful and their plants had the
sweetest perfumes. This was what you call “paradise on Earth”. The
human beings they created there were the most intelligent. So steps
had to be taken to ensure that they did not surpass their creators. The
created, therefore, had to be kept in ignorance of the great scientific
secrets while being educated for the purpose of measuring their


        Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of
        the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day
        that you eat of it you shall surely die.. Genesis 2: 16-17.

   This means you - the created - can learn all you want, read all of
the books that we have here at your disposal, but never touch the
scientific books, otherwise you will die.

        He brought them to the man to see what he would name them.
                                                       Genesis 2: 19.

  Human beings had to have a thorough understanding of the plants
and animals living around them, their way of life, and the way to get
food from them. The creators taught them the names and the powers
of everything that existed around them since botany and zoology
were not considered dangerous for them. Imagine the joy of this team
of scientists, having two children, a male and a female running
around, eagerly learning what was being taught to them.

        The serpent... said unto the woman... of the fruit of the tree
        which is in the midst of the garden... ye shall not surely die, for
        Elohim doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes
        shall be opened, and ye shall be like Elohim. Genesis 3: 1-5.

   Some scientists in this team felt a deep love for their little human
beings, their “creatures”, and they wanted to give them a complete
education in order to make them scientists like themselves. So they
told these young people who were almost adults that they could
pursue their scientific studies and in so doing they would become as
knowledgeable as their creators.

        And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they
        were naked. Genesis 3: 7.


  The new human beings then understood that they could also
become creators in their turn, and they became angry at their
“parents” for having kept them away from scientific books,
considering them to be like dangerous laboratory animals.

        And Yahweh Elohim said unto the serpent, ‘Because thou hast
        done this, thou art cursed... upon thy belly shalt thou go, and
        dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life.’ Genesis 3: 14.

   The “serpent” was this small group of creators who had wished to
tell the truth to Adam and Eve, and as a result they were condemned
by the government of their own planet to live in exile on Earth, while
all the other scientists had to put a stop to their experiments and leave
the Earth.

        Unto Adam also and to his wife did Yahweh Elohim make coats
        of skins, and clothed them. Genesis 3: 21.

  The creators gave their creations the basic means of survival,
enough to manage without needing any further contact with them.
The Bible has preserved a sentence, which is close to the original

        Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil :
        and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of
        life, and eat, and live for ever. Genesis 3: 22.

   Human life is very short, but there is a scientific way to prolong it.
Human scientists who study all their lives can only begin to amass
sufficient knowledge to start making interesting discoveries when
they get old, which is the reason why human progress is so slow. If
humans could live ten times longer, scientific knowledge would take
a gigantic leap forward.


   If when they were first created these new beings could have lived
much longer, they would have quite rapidly become our equals
because their mental faculties are slightly superior to our own. They
are unaware of their full potential. This applies especially to the
people of Israel who, as I mentioned earlier, had been selected in a
contest as the most successful type of humanoid on Earth due to their
intelligence and genius. This explains why they have always
considered themselves to be the “chosen people”. In truth they were
the people chosen by the teams of scientists who gathered together to
judge their creations. You can see for yourself the number of geniuses
born out of that race.

       So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden
       of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every
       way, to keep the way of the tree of life. Genesis 3: 24.

   Soldiers with atomic disintegration weapons were placed at the
entrance to the creators’ residence to prevent human beings from
stealing more scientific knowledge.’

                                 The Flood

‘Let us move on to the fourth chapter of Genesis.

       And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the
       fruit of the ground an offering unto Yahweh. And Abel, he also
       brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof.
                                                             Genesis 4: 3-4.

  The creators in exile who were left under military surveillance,
urged the human beings to bring them food in order to show their
own superiors that the newly created people were good, and that they


would never turn against their creators. Thus they managed to obtain
permission for the leaders of these first human beings to benefit from
the “tree of life”, and this explains how they lived so long: Adam lived
for 930 years, Seth for 912 years and Enos for 905 years, and so on
as is stated in Genesis, Chapter 5, Verses 1-11.

        And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of
        the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of
        Elohim saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they
        took them wives of all which they chose. Genesis 6: 1-2.

  The creators living in exile took the most beautiful daughters of
humanity and made them their wives.

        My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh:
        yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. Genesis 6: 3.

   Longevity is not hereditary and much to the relief of the
authorities on the distant planet, the children of the new human
beings did not automatically benefit from the “tree of life”. Thus the
secret of life was lost, and mankind’s progress was slowed down.

        When the sons of Elohim came in unto the daughters of men,
        and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men
        which were of old, men of renown. Genesis 6: 4.

   There you have proof that the creators could have intercourse with
the daughters of humanity whom they had created in their own
image, and in so doing produced exceptional children. These actions
seemed very dangerous to people on the distant planet. The scientific
progress on Earth was fantastic, and they decided to destroy what had
been created.


        And Elohim saw that the wickedness of man was great in the
        earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was
        only evil continually. Genesis 6: 5.

   The “evil” in question was the desire of human beings to become
scientific and independent people equal to their creators. Being
“good”, as far as those on the Elohim’s planet were concerned meant
the new human beings would remain primitive, vegetating on the
Earth. Their “evil” was their wish to progress, perhaps enabling them
one day to catch up with their creators.
   The government then decided from their distant planet to destroy
all life on Earth by sending nuclear missiles. However when the exiled
creators were informed of the project they asked Noah to build a
spaceship, which would orbit the Earth during the cataclysm
containing a pair of each species that was to be preserved.
   This was true figuratively speaking, but in reality - and your
scientific knowledge will very soon enable you to understand this - a
single living cell of each species, male and female, is all that is
required to recreate a whole being. This is something like the first
living cell of a fetus in the womb of its mother, which already
possesses all the information needed to create a human being right
down to the color of its eyes and hair. This was a colossal task, but it
was completed on time.
   When the explosion took place, life had already been preserved a
few thousand kilometers above the Earth. The continent was
submerged by a gigantic tidal wave, which destroyed all forms of life
on its surface.

        The ark... was lift up above the earth. Genesis 7: 17.

  As you can clearly see, it is said that the ark was lifted “above” the
Earth and not “on” the water.
  Then it was necessary to wait until there was no more dangerous
radioactive fallout:


        And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty
        days. Genesis 7: 24.

  The spacecraft had three sections:

        ...and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with
        lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it. Genesis 6: 16.

   Later it landed on Earth, and besides Noah, it carried a couple
from each race of human beings on the Earth.

        And Elohim remembered Noah... and Elohim made a wind to
        pass over the earth, and the waters asswaged. Genesis 8: 1.

   After monitoring the level of radioactivity and dispersing it
scientifically, the creators told Noah to release the animals to see if
they could survive in the atmosphere. This operation was successful,
and they were able to venture out into the open air. The creators then
asked the human survivors to work and multiply, and show their
gratitude to their benefactors who had created them and saved them
from destruction. Noah agreed to give a portion of their harvest and
their cattle to the creators to ensure they survived:

        And Noah builded an altar unto Yahweh; and took of every clean
        beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the
        altar. Genesis 8: 20.

   The creators were happy to see that humans wished them well, and
they promised never to try to destroy their creation again. They
understood that it was only normal for them to want to progress

        ...for the imagination of man’s heart is evil. Genesis 8: 21.


  The goal of humankind is scientific progress. Each race of
humanity was then returned to its original place of creation, and each
animal was recreated from the cells which had been preserved aboard
the ark.

       And by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood.
                                                         Genesis 10: 32.’

                         The Tower of Babel

‘But the most intelligent race, the people of Israel, was making such
remarkable progress that they were soon able to undertake the
conquest of space with the help of the exiled creators. The latter
wanted their new human beings to go to the creators’ planet to obtain
their pardon, by showing that they were not only intelligent and
scientific but also grateful and peaceful. So they built an enormous
rocket - The Tower of Babel.

       And now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have
       imagined to do. Genesis 11: 6.

  The people on our planet became frightened when they heard
about this. They were still observing the Earth and knew that life had
not been destroyed.

       Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that
       they may not understand one another’s speech. So Yahweh
       scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth.
                                                      Genesis 11: 7-8.


   So they came and took the Jews who had the most scientific
knowledge and scattered them all over the continent among primitive
tribes in countries where nobody could understand them because the
language was different, and they destroyed all their scientific

                       Sodom and Gomorrah

‘The exiled creators were pardoned and allowed to return to their
original planet where they pleaded the case of their magnificent
creation. As a result, everyone on the distant planet fixed their eyes
on the Earth because it was inhabited by people they had themselves
   But among the humans who had been dispersed on Earth, a few
nursed the desire for vengeance, so they gathered in the towns of
Sodom and Gomorrah and, having managed to salvage a few
scientific secrets, they prepared an expedition aimed at punishing
those who had tried to destroy them. Consequently, the creators sent
two spies to investigate what was going on:

       And there came two angels to Sodom at even . Genesis 19: 1.

Some humans tried to kill them, but the spies managed to blind their
attackers with a pocket atomic weapon:

       And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with
       blindness, both small and great. Genesis 19: 11.

  They warned those who were peaceful to leave the town because
they were going to destroy it with an atomic explosion:


        Up, get you out of this place; for Yahweh will destroy this city.
                                                        Genesis 19: 14.

  As the people were leaving town, they were in no particular hurry
because they did not realize what an atomic explosion could mean.

        Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all
        the plain. Genesis 19: 17.

  And the bomb fell on Sodom and Gomorrah:

        Then Yahweh rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah
        brimstone and fire from Yahweh out of heaven; And he overthrew
        those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities,
        and that which grew upon the ground. But his wife looked back
        from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.
                                                          Genesis 19: 24-26.

  As you now know, burns caused by an atomic explosion kill those
who are too near and make them look like salt statues.’

                      The Sacrifice of Abraham

‘Later, after most of their leading intellectuals had been destroyed,
and they had relapsed into a semi-primitive state, the creators wished
to see if the people of Israel, and particularly their leader, still had
positive feelings towards them. This is related in the paragraph where
Abraham wants to sacrifice his own son. The creators tested him to
see if his feelings towards them were sufficiently strong. Fortunately,
the experiment ended positively.


        Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto
        him: for now I know that thou fearest Elohim. Genesis 22: 12.

   There you have it. Assimilate it all and write down everything that
I have just told you. I will tell you more tomorrow.’
   Once again the small man took leave of me, and his spacecraft rose
slowly into the air. Because the sky was clearer this time, I was able to
watch more closely as it took off. It hovered motionless at a height of
about 400 meters, then still without the slightest sound, the vessel
turned red as if it was heating up, then as white as white-hot metal,
and then finally a sort of bluish purple like an enormous spark, which
was impossible to look at. Then it disappeared completely.




T    he following day I again met with my visitor, and he
     immediately continued his story.
  ‘In Genesis, Chapter 28, there is another description of our

       And behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached
       to heaven: and behold the angels of Elohim ascending and
       descending on it. Genesis 28: 12.

   Because of the destruction of centers of progress such as Sodom
and Gomorrah and the elimination of the most intelligent
individuals, human beings had lapsed back into a very primitive state
and had begun, rather stupidly, to adore pieces of stone and idols,
forgetting those who had really created them:

       Put away the foreign gods that are among you. Genesis 35: 2.

  In Exodus, we appeared to Moses.

       And the angel of Yahweh appeared unto him in a flame of fire out
       of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush


       burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.
                                                              Exodus 3: 2.

   A rocket landed in front of him, and his description corresponds
to what a Brazilian tribesman might say today if we were to land
before him in a flying vessel illuminating the trees without burning
   The people chosen as the most intelligent had lost their most
brilliant minds and had become slaves to neighboring tribes who
were more numerous since they had not undergone the same
destruction. It was thus necessary to restore dignity to the people of
Israel by returning their land to them.
   The beginning of Exodus describes all that we had to do to help
liberate the people of Israel. Once departed, we guided them to the
country, which we had destined for them:

       And Yahweh went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to
       lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them
       light; to go by day and night. Exodus 13: 21.

   In order to slow down the march of the Egyptians who had started
to pursue them:

       The pillar of the cloud went from before their face, and stood
       behind them... and it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it
       gave light by night to these: so that the one came not near the
       other all the night. Exodus 14: 19-20.

  The smoke emitted behind the people of Israel made a curtain,
which slowed down their pursuers. Then the crossing of the water
was made possible by a repulsion beam, which cleared a passageway:


        And Yahweh caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all
        that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were
        divided. Exodus 14: 21.

        Thus Yahweh saved Israel that day out of the hand of the
        Egyptians. Exodus 14: 30.

  While they were crossing the desert the chosen people began to feel

        Upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing, as
        small as the hoar frost on the ground. Exodus 16: 14.

   The manna was nothing more than pulverized synthetic chemical
food, which when spread on the ground, swelled with the early
morning dew.
   As for the staff which allowed Moses to draw water from the rock,
as it says in Exodus 17:6 - it was nothing but a detector of
underground water pools similar to those which you use at present to
find oil, for example. Once the water is located, one has only to dig.
   Then in Chapter 20 of Exodus a certain number of rules are cited.
   Because the Israelites were so primitive, they needed laws regarding
morals and especially hygiene. These were outlined in the
   The creators came to dictate these laws to Moses on Mount Sinai,
and they arrived in a flying vessel:

        And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there
        were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the mount,
        and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud; so that all the people
        that was in the camp trembled... And mount Sinai was altogether
        on a smoke, because Yahweh descended upon it in fire: and the
        smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole
        mount quaked greatly. And when the voice of the trumpet


        sounded long, and waxed louder and louder. Moses spake, and
        Elohim answered him by a voice. Exodus 19: 16-19.

  The creators were afraid of being invaded or maltreated by human
beings. It was therefore essential that they be respected, even
venerated, so that they would be in no danger:

        The people cannot come up to mount Sinai... but let not the
        priests and the people break through to come up unto Yahweh,
        lest he break forth upon them. Exodus 19: 23-24.

  Also, it was written:

        And Moses alone shall come near Yahweh: but they shall not
        come nigh; neither shall the people go up with him.
                                                          Exodus 24: 2.

  They saw the God of Israel:

        And there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire
        stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness.
                                                           Exodus 24: 10.

   There you have the description of the pedestal upon which one of
the creators presented himself, and it was made of the same bluish
alloys as the floor of the machine in which we are now sitting.

        And the sight of the glory of Yahweh was like devouring fire on
        the top of the mount. Exodus 24: 17.

   Here you have a description of “the glory” of the creators - in
reality, the flying vessel - and, as you have already noticed, upon take-
off it has a coloration similar to that of fire.


   This team of creators was going to live on the Earth for some time,
and they wished to eat fresh food. That is why they asked the
Israelites to bring them fresh provisions regularly and also riches,
which they wanted to take back to their own planet. I suppose you
might call it colonization:

       Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering:
       of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take
       my offering. And this is the offering which ye shall take of them;
       gold, and silver, and brass, and blue, and purple, and scarlet, and
       fine linen, and goats’ hair. Exodus 25: 2-4.

   They also decided that they would like to live more comfortably,
so they asked the human beings to build them a residence according
to plans they had drawn up. The plans are described in Chapter 26
of the Book of Exodus. In this residence they would meet the
representatives of the people. It was a meeting tent where people
brought food and gifts as a pledge of submission.

       And it came to pass, as Moses entered into the tabernacle, the
       cloudy pillar descended, and stood at the door of the tabernacle
       and Yahweh talked with Moses... And Yahweh spake unto Moses
       face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. Exodus 33: 8-11.

 Just as today I can speak to you as you can speak to me, man to

       Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and
       live. Exodus 33: 20.

  There you have reference to the difference in atmosphere between
our planets. Humans cannot see their creators unless the latter are
protected by a pressurized suit, because the terrestrial atmosphere is


not suitable for them. If a man came to our planet he would see the
creators without a space suit, but he would die because the
atmosphere is not suitable for him.
   The entire beginning of Leviticus explains how the foods offered to
the creators had to be brought to them for their replenishment. For
example, in Leviticus 21: 17 it says:

        Whosoever he be of thy seed in their generations that hath any
        blemish , let him not approach to offer the bread of his Elohim.

   This is obviously to prevent sick or deformed people, who were
symbols of failure and therefore unbearable to the eyes of the creators,
from presenting themselves before them.
   In the Book of Numbers 11:7-8 there is a very precise description of
the manna, which your chemists could very easily reproduce:

        And the manna was as coriander seed, and the colour thereof as
        the colour of bdellium... and the taste of it was as the taste of fresh

   This manna was nothing more than a chemical food, but the
creators preferred fresh fruits and vegetables:

        And whatsoever is first ripe in the land, which they shall bring
        unto Yahweh, shall be thine. Numbers 18: 13.

   Later, the creators taught human beings how to inject themselves
to treat snakebites:

        Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come
        to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it,
        shall live. Numbers 21: 8.


   As soon as someone was bitten, he “looked” at the “serpent of
brass”, that is to say, a syringe was brought to him, and he was
injected with serum.
   Finally, the journey, which led the “chosen people” to the Promised
Land, came to an end. Following the advice of the creators, they
destroyed the idols of the local primitive people and took over their

       Then ye shall... destroy all their molten images...and ye shall
       dispossess the inhabitants of the land, and dwell therein: for I
       have given you the land to possess it. Numbers 33: 52-53.

  The “chosen people” finally reached their Promised Land:

       And because he loved thy fathers, therefore he chose their seed
       after them. Deuteronomy 4: 37.

  In the Book of Joshua, Chapter 3, Verses 15-16, we read about the
crossing of the Jordan:

       And as they that bare the ark were come unto Jordan... the waters
       which came down from above stood and rose up upon an heap
       very far from the city... and those that came down toward the sea
       of the plain, even the salt sea, failed, and were cut off: and the
       people passed over right against Jericho.

  Thus the creators helped the “chosen people” cross without getting
their feet wet, just as they had done in their escape from the
Egyptians by using the same water repulsion ray.’


                     The Trumpets of Jericho

‘At the end of Chapter 5 in the Book of Joshua, there is a meeting
between a military creator and the chosen people regarding the
resistance of the city of Jericho.

       But as captain of the host of Yahweh am I now come.
                                                        Joshua 5: 14.

   A military consultant was sent to the Jewish people to assist them
in the siege of Jericho. It is easy to understand how the walls were
knocked down. You know that the very high voice of a singer can
crack a crystal glass. By using highly amplified ultrasonic waves, one
can knock down any concrete wall. This is what was done using a
very complicated instrument, which the Bible calls a “trumpet”:

       When they make a long blast with the ram’s horn, and when ye
       hear the sound of the trumpet... and the wall of the city shall fall
       down flat. Joshua 6: 5.

  At a given moment, the ultrasounds were emitted in a
synchronized way, and the walls fell down. A little later, some real
bombing took place:

       Yahweh cast down great stones from heaven upon them unto
       Azekah, and they died: they were more which died with
       hailstones than they whom the children of Israel slew with the
       sword. Joshua 10: 11.

   This full scale bombing, as indicated, killed more people than the
swords of the Israelites. One of the most distorted passages is in
Joshua, Chapter 10, Verse 13, where it is stated:


        And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had
        avenged themselves upon their enemies.

  This simply means that it was a flash war, which lasted only one
day – in fact, it is stated later that the war occupied “about a whole
day”. It was so short, when you consider the extent of the land
conquered, that people thought the sun had stood still.
  In the Book of Judges, Chapter 6, Verse 21, one of the creators is
again in contact with a man called Gideon who delivers food to him:

        Then the angel of Yahweh put forth the end of the staff that was
        in his hand, and touched the flesh and the unleavened cakes; and
        there rose up fire out of the rock, and consumed the flesh and the
        unleavened cakes. Then the angel of Yahweh departed out of his

   The creators were unable to eat in the open air because of their
pressurized suits, but if necessary, using a scientific technique, they
could feed themselves by extracting the essentials from these offerings
using a flexible tube or cane. The process radiates flames, which made
people at the time think sacrifices to God were being made.
   In Chapter 7 of the Book of Judges, 300 men with “trumpets”
surrounded the enemy camp, and using highly amplified ultrasonic
instruments, they blew them simultaneously in order to drive all the
people in the camp mad. You know now that certain high pitched
sounds carried to extremes can drive anyone mad.
   Indeed the people who had been surrounded went mad; the
soldiers killed each other and ran away.’


                       Samson the Telepathist

‘In Judges, Chapter 13, there is yet another example of mating taking
place between the creators and human women:

        And the angel of Yahweh appeared unto the woman, and said
        unto her, Behold now, thou art barren, and bearest not: but thou
        shalt conceive, and bear a son. Judges 13: 3.

  It was necessary that the fruit of this union be healthy so that the
behavior of the child could be studied. This is why he tells her:

        And drink not wine nor strong drink, and eat not any unclean
        thing: for, lo, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; and no razor
        shall come on his head: for the child shall be a Nazarite unto
        Elohim from the womb. Judges 13: 4-5.

  Later, it is written:

         And the angel of Elohim came again unto the woman as she sat
        in the field: but Manoah her husband was not with her.
                                                          Judges 13: 9.

   It is easy to imagine what happened during her husband’s
absence... It was an easy task for the scientists to cure her sterility. In
this way she was made aware that she was going to give birth to an
exceptional individual, and that she should take the utmost care of
her baby. It was wonderful for the creators to mate with a daughter
of humanity. This enabled them to have sons ruling directly on Earth,
where the atmosphere was not suitable for themselves.
   The point about not shaving off any hair is very important. The
human brain is like a huge transmitter, capable of sending out a


multitude of very accurate waves and thoughts. In fact, telepathy is
nothing more than that.
   But this type of transmitter requires antennae, and the hair and
beard are these antennae. That is why you should not shave off any
hair if you want to make use of your transmitters. You have surely
noticed that many of your scientists have long hair, and often a beard.
Prophets and other wise people have them too. Now you can
understand why.
   The child was born. It was Samson, whose story you know. He was
able to communicate directly with “God” by telepathy, thanks to his
natural antennae - his hair. And the creators could then help him
during difficult moments and produce marvels to reinforce his
   But when Delilah cut his hair, he could no longer ask for help.
Then his eyes were gouged out by his enemies, but when his hair
grew again, he regained his “strength”. That is to say, he could once
again ask for help from the creators who then demolished the temple
where he was touching the columns. All of this was attributed to
Samson’s strength.
   In Samuel, Chapter 3, we find Elijah initiating Samuel into
telepathy. The creators wanted to contact Samuel, and he thinks that
Elijah is speaking to him. He “hears voices”:

        Go, lie down: and it shall be, if he call thee, that thou shalt say,
        Speak, Yahweh; for thy servant heareth. 1 Samuel 3: 9.

   This is a little like the behavior of amateur radio operators who
might say, “Go ahead, I can hear you loud and clear”. And the
telepathic conversation begins:

        ‘Samuel, Samuel.’ Then Samuel answered, ‘Speak; for thy servant
        heareth.’ 1 Samuel 3: 10-11.


   In the episode where David challenges Goliath there is quite an
interesting sentence which ends:

       ...that he should defy the armies of the living Elohim?
                                               1 Samuel 17: 26.

   This shows the reality of the presence in that epoch of a quite
tangible “God”. Telepathy as a means of communication between the
creators and human beings was only possible when the Elohim were
in proximity to the Earth.
   When they were on their distant planet, or elsewhere, they could
not communicate in this way.
   For this reason they set up a transmitter-receiver, which was
transported in the “Ark of God” - an apparatus containing its own
atomic powered cell. This is why in the First Book of Samuel, Chapters
5 and 6, when the Philistines stole the Ark, their idol Dagon lay face
down on the ground nearby, as the result of an electrical discharge
caused by their clumsy mishandling of it.
   They also suffered radiation burns from the dangerous radioactive

       And smote them with emerods . 1 Samuel 5: 6.

  Even the Jews who had not taken precautions while handling the
Ark were harmed:

       Uzzah put forth his hand to the ark of Elohim, and took hold of
       it; for the oxen shook it. And the anger of Yahweh was kindled
       against Uzzah; and Elohim smote him there for his error; and
       there he died by the ark of Elohim. 2 Samuel 6: 6-7.

   The Ark almost fell over and Uzzah, trying to hold it up, touched
a dangerous part of the machine and was electrocuted.


   In the first book of Kings (1 Kings 1:50 and 1 Kings 2:28), we read
in several places of individuals who “caught hold on the horns of the
   This refers to the manipulation of the transmitter-receiver levers
while trying to communicate with the creators.’

       The First Residence to Welcome the Elohim

‘The great King Solomon had a sumptuous residence built in order
to welcome the creators when they came to visit the Earth:

       Yahweh said He would dwell in thick darkness . I have surely
       built thee an house to dwell in. 1 Kings 8: 12-13.

       For the glory of Yahweh had filled the house of Yahweh.
                                                          1 Kings 8: 11.

       The cloud filled the house of Yahweh. 1 Kings 8: 10.

       And I will dwell among the children of Israel. 1 Kings 6: 13.

  So the creators lived in a cloud, or rather in a vessel that orbits
above the clouds. Imagine trying to make primitive people
understand that.

       There came a man of Elohim out of Judah by the word of Yahweh
       unto Bethel...and said...behold, the altar shall be rent. When king
       Jeroboam heard the saying of the man of Elohim, which had cried
       against the altar in Bethel, that he put forth his hand from the
       altar, saying, ‘Lay hold on him.’ And his hand, which he put forth
       against him, dried up, so that he could not pull it in again to him.
                                                            1 Kings 13: 1-5.

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  • 2. By request of the author, 10 limited collector's editions of this book have been published. Each copy is marked with a number from 1 to 10.
  • 4. Copyright © The Raelian Foundation 2005 The right of Rael to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, printed, recorded or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher and copyright holder. This re-titled English Language edition is a newly combined re-translation and updated edition of Rael's three original French books Le Livre Qui Dit La Verite (The Book Which Tells The Truth) which first appeared in France in 1974, Les Extra-Terrestres M'ont Emmene Sur Leur Planete (Extra-Terrestrials Took Me To Their Planet) and Accueillir les Extra-Terrestres (Let's Welcome The Extra-terrestrials ). Similar English paperback editions were printed in Japan in 1986 under the titles The Message Given To me By Extra-Terrestrials (the first 2 books combined) and Lets Welcome Our Fathers from Space . In 1998 the combined first 2 books were released in England by Tagman Press entitled The Final Message and again in the USA with the title The True Face of God in 1999 and The Message Given by Extra-terrestrials in 2001. ISBN : 2-940252-22-X EAN : 9782940252220 This book is also available in hardcover: ISBN 2-940252-20-3 Publisher: Nova Distribution The publisher may be contacted at: Credits Chief Editor and Project Manager: Cameron Hanly Project Assistant: Line Gareau Translation Review: B.B Proof-reading: Panteha Naghi Composition and Design: Cameron Hanly and Rob Chalfant Cover-Design: Rael and Cameron Hanly
  • 5. CONTENTS Foreword xi BOOK ONE : THE BOOK WHICH TELLS THE TRUTH 1 THE ENCOUNTER 3 2 THE TRUTH 10 Genesis 10 The Flood 18 The Tower of Babel 22 Sodom and Gomorrah 23 The Sacrifice of Abraham 24 3 WATCHING OVER THE CHOSEN PEOPLE 26 Moses 26 The Trumpets of Jericho 33 Samson the Telepathist 35 The First Residence to Welcome the Elohim 38 Elijah the Messenger 40 The Multiplication of Bread 42 The Flying Saucers of Ezekiel 45
  • 6. The Last Judgement 53 Satan 57 Humans Could Not Understand 59 4 THE ROLE OF CHRIST 65 The Conception 65 The Initiation 66 Parallel Humanities 69 Scientific Miracles 73 Deserving the Inheritance 75 5 THE END OF THE WORLD 80 1946, First Year of the New Era 80 The End of the Church 81 The Creation of the State of Israel 84 The Mistakes of the Church 86 At the Root of All Religions 88 Mankind: A Disease of the Universe 90 Evolution: A Myth 92 6 THE NEW COMMANDMENTS 95 Geniocracy 95 Humanitarianism 97 World Government 100 Your Mission 101 7 THE ELOHIM 105 Nuclear Weapons 105 Overpopulation 106 The Secret of Eternity 108 Chemical Education 113 The Raelian Movement 115
  • 7. BOOK TWO : EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS TOOK ME TO THEIR PLANET 1 MY LIFE UNTIL THE FIRST ENCOUNTER 121 Introduction 121 Two Years Have Passed 122 Childhood: a UFO over Ambert 123 The Pope of the Druids 124 Poetry 126 The Encounter 136 The Public Talks 140 2 THE SECOND ENCOUNTER 142 The Sighting of July 31st, 1975 142 The Message: Part Two 145 Buddhism 150 Neither God nor Soul 153 Paradise on Earth 156 The Other World 159 Meeting the Ancient Prophets 161 A Foretaste of Paradise 168 The New Commandments 175 To the People of Israel 176 3 THE KEYS 180 Introduction 180 Humanity 181 Birth 182 Education 183 Sensual Education 185 Fulfillment 187 Society and Government 193 Meditation and Prayer 198 The Arts 201 Sensual Meditation 201
  • 8. Human Justice 203 Science 205 The Human Brain 207 The Apocalypse 207 Telepathic Communication 209 The Reward 213 The Guides 222 BOOK THREE : LET’S WELCOME THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS 1 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 227 Seeming Contradictions... 227 Dating the Works of the Elohim 230 The People of Israel and the Jews 231 The Raelian Movement and Money 232 Nothing is Constant in Space and Time 234 Transmission of the Cellular Plan and the Forehead Bone. 236 Is the Earth an Atom of the Finger of God? 239 Noah’s Ark – A Space Craft? 240 Life After Life – or Dream and Reality? 241 The Elohim’s Scientific Level of Development 243 Neither God nor Soul... 245 The Religion of the Infinite 248 The Future of Traditional Religions 249 Raelism and Geniocracy 250 Who Created the Creator of the Creators? 252 What is the Purpose of Life? 255 What is Pleasure? 257 What is Death? 262 Sexual Freedom and No Obligation 270 Raelism and Homosexuality 272 Deists and Evolutionists: The False Prophets 273 Suicide 275
  • 9. 2 THE NEW REVELATIONS 276 The Devil Does Not Exist, I Met Him 276 My Father Who Art in Heaven 288 Message from Yahweh to the Men of the Earth 291 3 AN ATHEIST RELIGION 308 Angels Without Wings 308 ‘Deresponsibilisation’ 314 4 COMMENTARIES AND TESTIMONIALS OF RAELIANS 327 Raelism Through the Eyes of Science 327 Impressions of a ‘Priest’ 334 Yes... I am Raelian 339 The Consecration of My Priesthood 344 To Become Active So As Not To Become Radioactive 349 From Marxism to Raelism Adhesion 352 A New Art of Living 353 5 ADDENDUM 356 Encounter of October 7th, 1976 356 The Message of the Elohim, March 14th, 1978 357 Modification of the New Commandments 358 Message of the Elohim, December 13th, 1997 358 The United Nations - Rael, September 2005 361 Author’s Postscript 364 Additional Information 373 Seminars and Contacts 374 Acknowledgements 375 Other Books by Rael 376 Notes and References 378 Bibliography 380 Index 381
  • 10.
  • 11. FOREWORD by Anthony Grey international best-selling novelist, journalist and broadcaster This extraordinary volume of writings, I am certain, contains revealed information of the greatest magnitude and importance for humanity. Combining for the first time three important books in one and written in very simple, matter-of-fact terms, this newly comprehensive narrative provides for me the only truly persuasive explanation I have discovered to date of our physical origins, our planetary history, our place and present standing in our known universe, and last but not least, the reasons behind our chronically divisive and potentially self-destructive global religious beliefs. For all these reasons I believe that this new book, along with four others written by Rael, has the power to transform our understanding of our greatly troubled world and open the way towards a new and unprecedented era of global peace, harmony and unprecedented scientific and social progress. Above all, the writings by Rael between these covers affirm that we are not alone in our universe. They demonstrate that we are at present very junior but highly potent members of a greater clan of galactic humanity just like ourselves - we are loved, observed and guided so far as we chose to allow ourselves to be, by a superior advanced human civilization that conceived and engineered our very existence on this planet. Although these three-books-in-one do not exhaustively say everything nor answer every conceivable question about our universe and ourselves, they vastly overshadow everything else published in the UFO/space field by offering obviously authoritative insights into xi
  • 12. I NTELLIGENT D ESIGN : M ESSAGE F ROM T HE D ESIGNERS topics as diverse as the infinite nature of all living matter, our planetary history, human and plant genetics, sexuality, sensuality, psychology, politics, and the true nature of criminality. They also throw fascinating new light on many other mundane issues including property ownership, wise child-rearing, the outdated values of our conventional marriage systems, and the high importance of sport, even violent sport, in creating and sustaining harmonious and peaceful human societies. In reporting details of how all life forms on Earth including the ecology and ourselves were engineered by human scientists from another part of our galaxy, Rael effectively demystifies and refocuses all the ancient scriptures of the world's major religions. While emphasizing that all faiths and their historical traditions and cultures still deserve our respect, he makes it clear how they have become outdated while still continuing to testify obscurely to this newly revealed practical scientific reality. Most controversially, this volume abolishes the notion that a benevolent, all-knowing, all-powerful, spiritual, mysterious and immaterial God presides over us all. The scriptures of all the major religions, it emphasizes, are about representatives of that ultra-sophisticated and highly refined civilization - human beings just like ourselves - who care deeply about us, because it was here that they first discovered and developed their own genius for transforming life from planet to planet by their mastery of DNA. In short, this massively important book sets our past, present and future on a firm scientific basis without diminishing the beauty, joy and spirituality of our existence. In fact, it greatly enhances the understanding and practice of a new common-sense spirituality based around meditation and achieving the inner peace and harmony that is eminently appropriate in this new era of space travel and genetic modification of ourselves and our environment. The author of these unique writings was born Claude Vorilhon in France in September 1946. He changed his name to Rael, which means 'messenger' in Hebrew, after meeting a human being from another planet when a small spacecraft landed in a remote volcanic region of south central France in December 1973. During several xii
  • 13. F OREWORD meetings on successive days, its human occupant verbally dictated to him most of the first book of this volume, saying it was 'a message to be addressed to all humanity'. He told Rael that all the great prophets of the major religions throughout our history had been given information appropriate to the educational level of their times in precisely this way and invited Rael to take on the mission of making what he called 'our final message' known worldwide. Rael accepted the task and rapidly wrote and published the first book himself in French under the disarmingly simple title The Book Which Tells the Truth. Nearly two years later, in October 1975, a second encounter occurred in woodland near Brantome in the Perigord region of France, and this time Rael was invited aboard the advanced spacecraft and taken on an astonishing revelatory journey. Rael describes this fully in the second section of the book entitled Extra-Terrestrials Took Me to Their Planet, which he also originally published as a separate volume in French in late 1975. In view of the fact that American, Russian, Chinese, and European astronauts are so far known to have succeeded in venturing only into the nearest margins of space - at most into orbit around the Earth and our moon - it perhaps seems outlandish at first sight to accept that without a spacesuit or any other special apparatus, Rael could have been whisked unexpectedly from a wooded European glade to another planet far across our galaxy. But this is what he describes here in those same detached, matter- of-fact terms, detailing many extraordinary experiences on the planet of his hosts who call themselves 'the Elohim'. Having known him now for some 13 years, I have no doubt that he is describing here real and factual experiences. In a third book entitled Let's Welcome the Extra-terrestrials, originally published in 1979 and now for the first time joined with the first two books in this updated volume, Rael answers some of the commonest questions that were repeatedly asked about his original writings in the early years by journalists and others. Very significantly, he also adds in that third book further new amplifying material about his own personal background, which he says he was asked by his xiii
  • 14. I NTELLIGENT D ESIGN : M ESSAGE F ROM T HE D ESIGNERS informants in 1975 to withhold for three further years. Other equally important writings have followed in successive books entitled Sensual Meditation, Yes to Human Cloning, Geniocracy, and The Maitreya. To get a true and complete picture of his unprecedented revelations and insights it is important to read all of these books. In recounting this brief outline of Rael's story, I have not inserted any customary qualifying words such as 'alleged' or 'reported' which responsible journalists - and especially former foreign correspondents who have reported from Beijing and Berlin among other datelines - might rightly be expected to employ to distance themselves from any controversial or improbable information they are conveying. I've done this quite intentionally to underline my conviction that Rael is a man of high integrity describing genuine experiences in a sincere and totally truthful fashion. An international journalist such as I have been is of course accustomed to assessing the reliability or otherwise of those he quotes for information, even when sometimes concealing his confidant's identity behind a stock phrase like 'a usually well-informed source' or 'a usually reliable source'. In this regard, my estimation of Rael is that he is an eminently reliable witness to what he has experienced, fantastic though it often may seem. I think that he is indeed 'a uniquely well informed and reliable source' and, after hearing him speak in public lectures over a period of thirteen years and after reviewing my own and other recorded broadcast interviews with him, it is my impression that perhaps even now he is saying less than everything he learned during those extraordinary, unsought meetings in the mid-1970s on this planet and beyond. More importantly perhaps, the profound logic and rationality of what he was told by his informants appear unassailable to me. I interviewed Rael twice in preparing an investigative radio documentary series for the BBC World Service entitled 'UFOs - Fact, Fiction or Fantasy?' I also interviewed sane, responsible Frenchmen who met and decided to support him during the period immediately following his two extraordinary encounters in the 1970s. I have also come to know and respect as friends many other leading and rank- xiv
  • 15. F OREWORD and-file members of his international organization. In presenting Rael's story briefly to a world radio audience as just one aspect of the complex UFO phenomenon, I observed the time-honored journalistic practice of impartial detachment - but here I have no hesitation in publicly declaring my conviction that Rael has written books of the utmost importance and significance for our understanding of ourselves and the known universe in which we live. If that is so, it is legitimate to ask, why are the contents of this book not yet universally known and accepted in the world some thirty-two years after the first of them was made public? In short, there was a sharp flurry of public interest in France after Rael announced the outline of what he had been told on a television chat show as soon as he finished his first book. But somehow the remarkable story did not immediately gain widespread acceptance in Europe, nor did it travel further abroad at that time along normal news channels. One explanation for this is that the national and international news media are curiously conservative in their approach to reporting news which is unprecedented. Well worn clichéd stories that are safe and reliable always find their way into broadcast bulletins and newspapers while anything truly radical appears to go through a long period of being reported scoffingly if at all. Decrying the likely truth of unprecedented information is a seemingly knee-jerk ploy which many journalists habitually employ over and over again to avoid any suspicion that they or their organization are gullible. To a large extent this has been happening to Rael's extraordinarily important information over the past thirty years or so, and the world's media has generally so far failed to inform its public about it very widely. There are some signs, however, that this is beginning to change at long last. This is to be welcomed since in my considered view the contents of this book constitute a front-page, banner headline, top- of-the-bulletin story which has never been given its due global prominence. Little by little as the years since l973 have passed, new scientific discoveries have confirmed the veracity of Rael's originally startling information. When proven to be fully true, the body of information that is presented in the following pages will, I feel xv
  • 16. I NTELLIGENT D ESIGN : M ESSAGE F ROM T HE D ESIGNERS confident, be seen as the greatest revelation in mankind's recorded history. But of course until now there have been two obvious reasons why it has not been quickly recognized as such. Firstly, there is no incontrovertible, physical proof to back up what Rael has written. And secondly, the nature of what he says is deeply disturbing to the entrenched belief systems of religious, scientific, academic, and other institutions all around the world. As individuals too, we are all unconsciously influenced by the conventions of our education, our upbringing and that limited climate of thought fostered by our world's conservative and unadventurous mainstream news media. All this is not surprising since it requires considerable effort on the part of individuals to become independently open-minded and overcome such influences. For these reasons, this extraordinary information has seeped out only slowly around the world over the past thirty-two years, largely through the steady, unspectacular efforts of the International Raelian Movement which at the time of writing lays claim to some 60,000 members in nearly ninety countries. For more than thirty years now, Rael himself has, with gentle and patient good humour, explained his story again and again, certainly thousands of times to radio, television and print journalists in most of the countries of the world. When mocked or derided as he has often been in live or recorded studio interviews at which I have been present as his English language commercial publisher and a supporter of his extraordinary mission, he has always conducted himself with the same quiet courtesy and unshakable confidence. Never once have I seen him lose the calm demeanor of a man who knows without any shadow of doubt that he is telling the truth. As far as providing proof is concerned, however, Rael quotes the Elohim as saying that they are deliberately withholding any outright physical evidence that would support their revelations - beyond the fact that their spacecraft will appear more and more frequently in our skies as time goes by. It is very important, they say, that we consider all their final information without proof - the logic and rationality of what they have revealed effectively contains its own hallmark of truth. xvi
  • 17. F OREWORD Whether or not we understand and accept their information and philosophical teaching and insights, they say, is a vital test of our intelligence and powers of perception, and from our reactions they will judge whether we are mature enough to be entrusted with their highly superior scientific and social knowledge, which is 25,000 years in advance of our own. They explain that they do not choose to land openly and officially in any one country because that would involve violating our planetary air space, both at national and international levels. Landing anywhere at all might also seem to imply approval of that particular country's government and philosophy - and they do not so approve of any existing nation on Earth. Therefore they need a diplomatic embassy of their own with the kind of extraterritorial rights enjoyed by any respected, visiting diplomat in a foreign state. Since their first embassy on Earth was Jerusalem's first temple, they have asked for their new modern embassy to be built as close as possible to that most ancient of all cities in the heart of Israel. Despite the minimal media acceptance to date of Rael and what he stands for, the passage of time has already provided its own growing substantiation of what he has written. In 1974-75 when he first began to say that all life forms on Earth had been created in laboratories by Elohim scientists via their mastery of DNA, our own genetic research scientists were far less advanced in their work than they are today. In February 1997, about a quarter of a century after Rael's first encounter with the visitor from space, there came the announcement of an historic, global breakthrough in the field of biology, made from Edinburgh in Scotland, revealing that British embryologists had succeeded in artificially cloning a sheep named Dolly. The cloning of human beings, it was said then, would become possible within two years and Rael promptly issued a press release saying: 'All this demonstrates that the technology which was considered impossible at the time of my original revelations is now perfectly attainable.' xvii
  • 18. I NTELLIGENT D ESIGN : M ESSAGE F ROM T HE D ESIGNERS The prediction that it would be possible to clone a human being in two years did not in the event prove accurate. However, Rael founded a new company called Clonaid that same year which became the first commercial enterprise in the world offering cloning services to the public - and in December 2002 five years after the announcement of Dolly's birth, Dr Brigitte Boisselier, Clonaid's president, announced at a crowded press conference in Miami that the company had assisted the first successful cloned human birth of a baby girl named Eve. Dr Boisselier later announced that Clonaid had achieved a succession of other cloned births in a number of countries around the world. Legal complications halted Clonaid's plan to present immediate medical and scientific proof of these cloned births to the world and that remained the position in the autumn of 2005 as this book was going to press. Dr Boisselier explained publicly that Clonaid's wish to protect the privacy and security of the cloned babies and their parents was the prime concern, but proof of Clonaid's achievements would be published at the right time. Meanwhile, new advances in understanding cloning, DNA and stem cells continue to appear regularly in our newspapers contributing new support to what Rael has been writing and saying over the past thirty years. In one notable example, Japanese scientists announced that their research indicated that the gene pool for all races on Earth originated from a surprisingly small common base dating back approximately 13,000 years. This figure echoed what Rael had written with uncanny precision since the Elohim had said they began their work here 25,000 years ago and had spent some 12,000 years preparing the planet and creating the ecology, the marine and bird life and then land mammals before embarking finally on the creation of human beings 'in their own image'. Rael says the Elohim leaders have been alive continually during those 25,000 years, having long since learned how to genetically recreate the human body with memory and personality intact. Soon, they contend, we will be able to expand our own average life span to around 1,000 years on our way to emulating them. Rael says they also monitor the thoughts and deeds of every individual on Earth by xviii
  • 19. F OREWORD computer and can recreate each and any of us at will at the moment of death by a remote sampling of a single cell of our bodies. He reports that some 8,000 individuals from Earth had already been recreated on their planet when he was taken there in 1975. Outside of practical scientific laboratory research a recent highly significant development in the academic field has provided new support for Rael's message. On 4 August 2004 the most comprehensive challenge to Darwin's Theory of Evolution known as Intelligent Design Theory was presented quietly to the world. This new theory hypothesizes that no new living entity can happen by chance and it was presented formally by Dr. Stephen C. Meyer, Director of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science & Culture in an article published in its biology journal by the National Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. The journal, Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington (volume 117, no. 2, pp. 213-239), carried an article entitled 'The Origin of Biological Information and the Higher Taxonomic Categories,' in which Dr. Meyer argued that no current theory of evolution could account for the origin of the information necessary to build novel animal forms. He proposed 'intelligent design' as an alternative explanation. This article represented an historic breakthrough for those who have long questioned Darwin's unproven theory because it was published in a peer reviewed academic journal and has since been used increasingly as a reference by scientists who were previously obliged to refer only to evolution theory in explaining their discoveries. Commenting on this development at the time, Dr Boisselier said those who supported Rael all over the world had cause to rejoice at this event since it made it possible for biologists to look at living entities not as the result of random mutations but more as sophisticated creations in which every detail had been thought out and had a reason to exist. "Biology will go so fast," she said, "once biologists stop being blinded by the evolution theory. I am sure that in ten years from now scientists will look back and wonder why they accepted evolution for so long." xix
  • 20. I NTELLIGENT D ESIGN : M ESSAGE F ROM T HE D ESIGNERS This landmark academic event brought the new conceptual term 'Intelligent Design' into public awareness and opened a new era of debate about evolution theory and our origins. Quickly becoming known in short as ID, 'intelligent design' is now beginning to be studied and developed in some respected universities. Even President George W. Bush, who is not renowned for his intervention in purely intellectual debates, has declared that 'intelligent design' is as likely an explanation as evolution theory. Does this mean that President Bush has taken the first step on his way to becoming a Raelian? Perhaps, perhaps not. Whatever the truth proves to be, this is another illustration of the gradual emergence of strong corroboration of Rael's story. Indeed we might speculate that the very essence of the Elohim's 'intelligent design' is that they are waking up the world they created to the whole truth very slowly since being shocked suddenly and instantly into full wakefulness from deep sleep is always very unpleasant and sometimes damaging. However, it is for all these reasons that the title Intelligent Design - Message from the Designers has been given to this new edition of Rael's writings. In a striking new Author's Postscript to this book Rael develops this theme to a new level. He says that the original and unique Raelian explanation of the origins of life on Earth effectively offers a Third Way between Darwin and Genesis and it can best be described as atheist Intelligent Design, which is the scientific creation of life on Earth performed by an advanced human civilization. And uniquely this Third Way is reproducible in a laboratory. Having said all that, I must emphasize that no brief summary can really do justice to the high import of this whole book. To grasp the full significance of all its major assertions requires that measured consideration be given to each and all of them in their context. Therefore, I trust in writing this foreword that others on reading it, will be encouraged to give the whole book a careful reading. If it is all true, and I feel sure it has been honestly and truthfully reported, then nothing in the world could be more important. xx
  • 21. F OREWORD The world of UFO research is awash with many amazing and often conflicting testimonies and claims about life beyond our planet, virtually all of them unproven. What Rael has written does not reconcile all these conflicts in an instant - and nothing could. Outside of the disturbing and still unexplained phenomenon of claimed abduction experiences which have been reported worldwide, other people have come forward over the past forty or fifty years to insist that they have had friendly personal contacts with extra-terrestrial visitors to our planet. The list of 'contactees' contains some fraudsters as well as others who are obviously sincere. But none of them has remotely approached Rael in the sheer scale of the information reportedly offered - and Rael is adamant that he alone has been entrusted with conveying these truths. It is just over thirteen years at the time of writing since I first read the contents of this book myself. Presented with a combined copy of the first two books by a French business executive whom I had met at a conference, I began reading them after getting into bed late one evening - and read on right through the entire night until I finished them, never once sleeping then or even during the whole of the next day. I was seized almost immediately by a feeling of awe that I had, by good fortune, stumbled across the greatest possible truths - and that feeling has never left me since then. After reflecting and musing carefully on the book's enormous implications over the past thirteen years, I still firmly believe as indicated above that it has the potential to transform us and our world beyond all present expectations. At a purely practical level, if national leaders could take this book seriously and steel themselves to the thought that our world is in comparison a backward 'developing country' with many seemingly insoluble problems, and that unlimited aid and assistance is available from a generous, highly- advanced Superpower living beyond our planet, then working towards an historic meeting with representatives of the Elohim at the world's first extra-terrestrial embassy near to Jerusalem could be seen as a worthy and sensible international goal. xxi
  • 22. I NTELLIGENT D ESIGN : M ESSAGE F ROM T HE D ESIGNERS Equally important I believe, is the book's core revelation about the very nature of the reality in which we live. Things infinitely small, the Elohim say, have exactly the same structure as things infinitely large - and they assured Rael they had proved this scientifically. This sounds incredible perhaps because our own science can not yet conceive of it, but they say that the atoms and sub-atoms in the cells of our bodies are mirror images of the universe above us; they contain minute planetary systems and galaxies on which complex, intelligent life forms like ourselves exist. Similarly our own planet, solar system, galaxy and universe are tiny particles in an atom of some immense organic being and all matter at different levels mirrors itself in this way. Matter and time have no beginning and no end, they say, and everything is cyclic. Interlocked Star of David triangles symbolizing these fundamental truths - which are illustrated and explained in the selection of photographs printed in this book - were emblazoned on the first extra-terrestrial spacecraft which landed before Rael's eyes in France. During his second encounter he was taught meditation techniques rooted in these understandings which he has been assiduously passing on ever since at annual seminars held on all five continents of the world. Called 'sensual meditation' or 'meditation of all senses', these techniques are designed to awaken the individual mind to its greatest potential by first fully awakening the physical sensibilities of the body. The undoubted benefits of any kind of meditation are being recognized increasingly by the medical professions but the techniques taught by Rael specifically help individuals to feel a greater sense of harmony with the infinite nature of all things and consequently with each other. Beneficial chemical reactions are stimulated within the body, health is enhanced, mental and physical inner ease increases. In short, what is unique about these teachings and practices is that they combine the spiritual with the scientific in a common-sense fashion, promising a transformation of society that begins where any real change must begin - with the individual. xxii
  • 23. F OREWORD In my view, for the many reasons outlined here publication of Intelligent Design - Message from the Designers marks the end of a long era of incomprehension and ignorance about ourselves and the purposes of our existence. I don't think its potential importance can be overstated: in my view it is simply the most important book to be published anywhere in the world for two thousand years. If it receives the attention it deserves, I believe it could herald and usher in an unprecedented epoch of worldwide enlightenment and change. Autumn 2005 Norwich, England Anthony Grey is a former foreign correspondent with Reuters in Eastern Europe and China – where he was held hostage for two years during the Cultural Revolution -- and the author of the international best-selling historical novels, Saigon, Peking and Tokyo Bay. ( xxiii
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  • 25. B O O K O N E ___________________________________ T H E B O O K W H I C H T E L L S T H E T RU T H
  • 26.
  • 27. 1 THE ENCOUNTER E ver since I was nine years old I have had but one passion - motor racing. I founded a specialist motor sport magazine in 1970, simply to be able to live in the environment of a sport where man is constantly trying to surpass himself while striving to surpass others. Since my early childhood I had dreamed of one day being a racing- car driver, following in the footsteps of someone as famous as Fangio. Thanks to contacts made through the magazine I founded, I was given the opportunity to race and about ten trophies now adorn my apartment as a result of those races. On the 13th of December 1973, however, I went to a volcano overlooking Clermont-Ferrand in central southern France. I went more to get a breath of fresh air than to take a drive in my car. My legs were itching after a full year following the races from circuit to circuit, almost always living on four wheels, so to speak. The air was cool at the time, and the sky rather gray with a background mist. I walked and jogged a little and left the path where my car was parked, aiming to reach the center of the crater called Puy-de-Lassolas where I often went for picnics with my family in the summer. What a superb and breathtaking place it was! To think that thousands of years ago, right where my feet were standing, lava had spurted out at incredibly high temperatures. Decorative volcanic ‘bombs’ can still be found among the debris. The stunted vegetation resembled that of Province in France but without sunshine. 3
  • 28. I NTELLIGENT D ESIGN : M ESSAGE F ROM T HE D ESIGNERS I was just about to leave and looked for the last time towards the top of the circular mountain, which was formed by an accumulation of volcanic slag. It reminded me how many times I had slid down those steep slopes, as if I was on skis. Suddenly in the fog, I saw a red light flashing; then a sort of helicopter was descending towards me. A helicopter, however, makes a noise but at that moment, I could hear absolutely nothing, not even the slightest whistle. A balloon maybe? Site of Rael’s first encounter: Puy de Lassolas, near Clermont-Ferrand, December 13th, 1973. 4
  • 29. T HE E NCOUNTER By now, the object was about twenty meters above the ground, and I could see it had a somewhat flattened shape. It was a flying saucer. I had always believed in their existence, but I had never dreamed I would actually see one. It measured some seven meters in diameter, about 2.5 meters in height, was flat underneath and cone-shaped. On its underside, a very bright red light flashed, while at the top an intermittent white light reminded me of a camera flash cube. This white light was so intense, that I could not look at it without blinking. The object continued to descend, without the slightest noise until it stopped and hovered motionless about two meters above the ground. I was petrified and remained absolutely still. I was not afraid, but rather filled with joy to be living through such a great moment. I bitterly regretted not having brought my camera with me. Then the incredible happened. A trap door opened beneath the machine and a kind of stairway unfolded to the ground. I realized that some living being was about to appear, and I wondered what it was going to look like. First two feet appeared then two legs, which reassured me a little, since apparently I was about to meet a man. In the event, what at first I took to be a child came down the stairway and walked straight towards me. I could see then this was certainly no child even though the figure was only about four feet (1.2 meters) tall. His eyes were slightly almond shaped, his hair was black and long, and he had a small black beard. I still had not moved, and he stopped about ten meters away from me. He wore some sort of green one-piece suit, which covered his entire body, and although his head seemed to be exposed, I could see around it a strange sort of halo. It was not really a halo but the air about his face shone slightly and shimmered. It looked like an invisible shield, like a bubble, so fine that you could barely see it. His skin was white with a slightly greenish tinge, a bit like someone with liver trouble. 5
  • 30. I NTELLIGENT D ESIGN : M ESSAGE F ROM T HE D ESIGNERS He smiled faintly, and I thought it best to return his smile. I felt rather ill at ease, so I smiled and bowed my head slightly in greeting. He answered with the same gesture. Thinking that I had to find out if he could hear me, I asked: ‘Where do you come from?’ He answered in a strong, articulate voice that was slightly nasal: ‘From very far away.’ ‘Do you speak French?’ I enquired. ‘I speak all the languages of the Earth.’ ‘Do you come from another planet?’ ‘Yes,’ he replied. As he spoke, he moved closer and stopped about two meters from me. ‘Is this the first time you have visited the Earth?’ ‘Oh no!’ ‘Have you been here often?’ ‘Very often - to say the least.’ ‘Why did you come here?’ ‘Today, to talk to you.’ ‘To me?’ ‘Yes, to you, Claude Vorilhon, editor of a small motor sport magazine, married and father of two children.’ ‘How do you know all that?’ ‘We have been watching you for a long time.’ ‘Why me?’ ‘This is precisely what I want to tell you. Why did you come here on this cold winter morning?’ ‘I don’t know... I felt like walking in the fresh air...’ ‘Do you come here often?’ ‘In the summer yes, but almost never in this season.’ ‘So why did you come today? Had you planned this walk for a long time?’ ‘No. I don’t really know. When I woke up this morning I suddenly had an urge to come here.’ ‘You came because I wanted to see you. Do you believe in telepathy?’ 6
  • 31. T HE E NCOUNTER ‘Yes, of course, it’s something I’ve always been interested in - as well as the subject of “flying saucers”. But I never thought I’d see one myself.’ ‘Well, I used telepathy to get you to come here because I have many things to tell you. Have you read the Bible?’ ‘Yes, but why do you ask?’ ‘Have you been reading it for a long time?’ ‘No, as a matter of fact, I bought it only a few days ago.’ ‘Why?’ ‘I really don’t know. Suddenly I had an urge to read it...’ ‘Again I used telepathy to make you decide to buy it. I have chosen you for a very difficult mission, and I have many things to tell you. So come into my craft where we can talk more comfortably.’ I followed him, climbing up the small staircase beneath the machine, which, on closer inspection, looked more like a flattened bell with a full and bulging underside. Inside it, two seats faced one another, and the temperature was mild even though the door was still open. There was no lamp, but natural light emanated from everywhere. There were no instruments like those you find in an aircraft cockpit. The floor was made of a sparkling alloy, which was slightly bluish. The chairs were colorless and translucent, but very comfortable and made from one piece of material. I sat on the larger one that was set closer to the floor, so that the face of the little man sitting in front of me was at the same level as mine. He touched a spot on the wall, and the whole machine became transparent except for its top and bottom. It was like being in the open air, but the temperature was mild. He invited me to take off my coat, which I did, and then he started to speak. ‘You regret not having brought your camera so that you could have talked about our meeting to the whole world - with proof in your hands?’ ‘Yes, of course...’ ‘Listen to me carefully. You will tell human beings about this meeting, but you will tell them the truth about what they are, and about what we are. Judging from their reactions we will know if we 7
  • 32. I NTELLIGENT D ESIGN : M ESSAGE F ROM T HE D ESIGNERS can show ourselves freely and officially. Wait until you know everything before you start speaking publicly. Then you will be able to defend yourself properly against those people who will not believe you and you will be able to bring them incontestable proof. You will write down everything I tell you and publish the writings as a book.’ ‘But why did you choose me?’ ‘For many reasons. First of all, we needed someone in a country where new ideas are welcomed and where it is possible to talk about such ideas openly. Democracy was born in France, and this country has a reputation the world over for being the country of freedom. Also we needed someone who is intelligent and quite open to everything. Above all we needed someone who is a free thinker without being anti-religious. Because you were born of a Jewish father and a Catholic mother, we consider you to be an ideal link between two very important peoples in the history of the world. Besides, your activities do not in any way predispose you to making incredible revelations, and this will make your words all the more credible. Since you are not a scientist, you will not complicate things and will explain them simply. Not being a literary man, you won’t compose elaborate sentences, which are difficult to read for a great many people. Finally, we decided to choose someone who was born after the first atomic explosion in 1945, and you were born in 1946. We have in fact been following you since your birth, and even before. This is why we have chosen you. Do you have any other questions?’ ‘Where do you come from?’ ‘From a distant planet about which I will tell you nothing for fear that men of the Earth might be unwise enough to disturb our peace.’ ‘Is your planet very far away?’ ‘Very far. When I tell you the distance you will understand that it is impossible to reach it with your present level of scientific and technical knowledge.’ ‘What are you called?’ ‘We are people like you, and we live on a planet similar to Earth.’ ‘How long does it take you to come here?’ ‘As long as it takes to think about it.’ 8
  • 33. T HE E NCOUNTER ‘Why do you come to Earth?’ ‘To monitor and watch over the development of humanity. Human beings on Earth are the future, we are the past.’ ‘Are there many people on your planet?’ ‘There are more people than on yours.’ ‘I would like to visit your planet. Can I?’ ‘No. First of all you couldn’t live there because the atmosphere is different from yours, and you have not been trained for such a journey.’ ‘But why meet here?’ ‘Because the crater of a volcano is an ideal place, away from irksome people. I shall leave you now. Come back tomorrow at the same time with the Bible and something to take notes with. Do not bring any metallic object and speak to no one of our conversation, otherwise we will never meet again.’ He handed me my coat, let me climb down the ladder and waved his hand. The ladder folded up and the door closed without a sound. Still without making the slightest murmur or any whistling sound, the craft rose gently to a height of about 400 meters, then disappeared into the mist. 9
  • 34. 2 THE TRUTH Genesis T he following day I was at the meeting place again as arranged with a notebook, a pen and the Bible. The flying machine reappeared on time, and I found myself face to face once more with the little man who invited me to enter the machine and sit in the same comfortable chair. I had spoken to nobody about all this, not even to those closest to me, and he was happy to learn that I had been discreet. He suggested I take notes, and then he started to speak: ‘A very long time ago on our distant planet, we had reached a level of technical and scientific knowledge, comparable to that which you will soon reach. Our scientists had started to create primitive, embryonic forms of life, namely living cells in test tubes. Everyone was thrilled by this.’ The scientists perfected their techniques and began creating bizarre little animals but the government, under pressure from public opinion, ordered the scientists to stop their experiments for fear they would create monsters, which would become dangerous to society. In fact one of these animals had broken loose and killed several people. Since at that time, interplanetary and intergalactic explorations had also made progress, the scientists decided to set out for a distant planet where they could find most of the necessary conditions to pursue their experiments. They chose Earth where you live. Now I 10
  • 35. T HE T RUTH - G ENESIS would like you to refer to the Bible where you will find traces of the truth about your past. These traces, of course, have been somewhat distorted by successive transcribers who could not conceive of such high technology and could therefore only explain what was described as being a mystical and supernatural force. Only the parts of the Bible that I will translate are important. Other parts are merely poetic babblings of which I will say nothing. I am sure you can appreciate that, thanks to the law, which said that the Bible had always to be re-copied without changing even the smallest detail, the deepest meaning has remained intact throughout the ages, even if the text has been larded with mystical and futile sentences. So let us start with the first chapter of the Book of Genesis: 1 In the beginning Elohim created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1: 1. Elohim, translated without justification in some Bibles by the word God means in Hebrew “those who came from the sky”, and furthermore the word is a plural. It means that the scientists from our world searched for a planet that was suitable to carry out their projects. They “created”, or in reality discovered the Earth, and realized it contained all the necessary elements for the creation of artificial life, even if its atmosphere was not quite the same as our own. And the Spirit of Elohim moved upon the face of the waters. Genesis 1: 2. This means the scientists made reconnaissance flights, and what you might call artificial satellites were placed around the Earth to study its constitution and atmosphere. The Earth was, at that time, completely covered with water and thick mist. 11
  • 36. I NTELLIGENT D ESIGN : M ESSAGE F ROM T HE D ESIGNERS And Elohim saw the light, that it was good. Genesis 1: 4. To create life on Earth it was important to know whether the sun was sending harmful rays to the Earth’s surface, and this question was fully researched. It turned out that the sun was heating the Earth correctly without sending out harmful rays. In other words the “light was good”. And the evening and the morning were the first day. Genesis 1: 5. This research took quite some time. The “day” mentioned here corresponds to the period in which your sun rises under the same sign on the day of the vernal equinox, in other words, about 2,000 years on Earth. And Elohim made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament. Genesis 1: 7. After studying the cosmic rays above the clouds the scientists descended below the clouds but stayed above the waters. That means they were between the clouds, “the waters which were above the firmament”, and the ocean covering the whole planet, “the waters which were under the firmament”. Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear. Genesis 1: 9. After they studied the surface of the ocean they studied the sea bed and determined that it was not very deep and fairly even everywhere. So then, by means of fairly strong explosions, which acted rather like bulldozers, they raised matter from the bottom of the seas and piled it up into one place to form a continent. 12
  • 37. T HE T RUTH - G ENESIS Originally there was on Earth only one continent, and your scientists have recently acknowledged that all the continents, which have drifted apart over many years, used to fit perfectly into one another to form one land mass. Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth. Genesis 1: 11. In this magnificent and gigantic laboratory, they created vegetable cells from nothing other than chemicals, which then produced various types of plants. All their efforts were aimed at reproduction. The few blades of grass they created had to reproduce on their own. The scientists spread out across this immense continent in small research teams. Every individual created different varieties of plants according to their inspiration and the climate. They met up at regular intervals to compare their research and their creations. The people back on their own planet followed their progress from afar with passion and amazement. The most brilliant artists came and joined the scientists in order to give some plants purely decorative and pleasing roles, either through their appearance or their perfume. Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years. Genesis 1: 14. By observing the stars and the sun they could measure the duration of the days, the months and the years on Earth. This helped them regulate their life on the new planet - so different from their own where days and years did not have the same duration. Research in astronomy enabled them to locate themselves precisely and to understand the Earth better. 13
  • 38. I NTELLIGENT D ESIGN : M ESSAGE F ROM T HE D ESIGNERS Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens. Genesis 1: 20. Next they created the first aquatic animals, from plankton to small fish, then very large fish. They also created seaweed to balance this little world, so that the small fish could feed on it and the bigger fish could eat the small fish in turn. Thus a natural balance would be established, and one species would not destroy another species in order to survive. This is what you now refer to as “ecology”, and that was achieved successfully. The scientists and artists met often and organized competitions to determine which team had created the most beautiful or most interesting animals. After the fish they created birds. This was done under pressure, it must be said, from the artists, who went out of their way to create the most stunning forms with the craziest colors. Some of them had great trouble flying because their beautiful feathers were very cumbersome. The contests went even further, embracing not only physical characteristics but also the behavior of these animals, particularly the wonderful dances of their mating rituals. Some other groups of scientists created frightful animals, veritable monsters, which proved right those people who had opposed the creation plans on their own planet. These were dragons, or what you call dinosaurs and brontosaurs. Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind. Genesis 1: 24. After marine organisms and birds, the scientists created land animals on a planet where the vegetation had by now become magnificent. There was plenty of food for the herbivores. These were the first land animals which were created. Later they created 14
  • 39. T HE T RUTH - G ENESIS carnivores to balance the herbivorous population. Here too, the species had to maintain equilibrium. Those scientists who did all this came from the same planet as me. I am one of those people who created life on Earth. It was at that time that the most skillful among us wanted to create an artificial human being like ourselves. Each team set to work, and very soon we were able to compare our creations. But on our home planet people were outraged when they heard that we were making “test tube children” who might come to threaten their world. They feared that these new human beings could become a danger if their mental capacities or powers turned out to be superior to those of their creators. So we had to agree to leave the new humans to live in a very primitive way without letting them know anything scientific, and we mystified our actions. It is easy to work out how many teams of creators did this - each race on Earth corresponds to a team of creators. Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. Genesis 1: 26. “In our image!” You can see that the resemblance is striking. That is when the trouble started for us. The team located in the country you now call Israel, which at the time was not far from Greece and Turkey on the original continent, was composed of brilliant creators who were perhaps the most talented team of all. Their animals were the most beautiful and their plants had the sweetest perfumes. This was what you call “paradise on Earth”. The human beings they created there were the most intelligent. So steps had to be taken to ensure that they did not surpass their creators. The created, therefore, had to be kept in ignorance of the great scientific secrets while being educated for the purpose of measuring their intelligence. 15
  • 40. I NTELLIGENT D ESIGN : M ESSAGE F ROM T HE D ESIGNERS Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.. Genesis 2: 16-17. This means you - the created - can learn all you want, read all of the books that we have here at your disposal, but never touch the scientific books, otherwise you will die. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them. Genesis 2: 19. Human beings had to have a thorough understanding of the plants and animals living around them, their way of life, and the way to get food from them. The creators taught them the names and the powers of everything that existed around them since botany and zoology were not considered dangerous for them. Imagine the joy of this team of scientists, having two children, a male and a female running around, eagerly learning what was being taught to them. The serpent... said unto the woman... of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden... ye shall not surely die, for Elohim doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be like Elohim. Genesis 3: 1-5. Some scientists in this team felt a deep love for their little human beings, their “creatures”, and they wanted to give them a complete education in order to make them scientists like themselves. So they told these young people who were almost adults that they could pursue their scientific studies and in so doing they would become as knowledgeable as their creators. And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. Genesis 3: 7. 16
  • 41. T HE T RUTH - G ENESIS The new human beings then understood that they could also become creators in their turn, and they became angry at their “parents” for having kept them away from scientific books, considering them to be like dangerous laboratory animals. 1 And Yahweh Elohim said unto the serpent, ‘Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed... upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life.’ Genesis 3: 14. The “serpent” was this small group of creators who had wished to tell the truth to Adam and Eve, and as a result they were condemned by the government of their own planet to live in exile on Earth, while all the other scientists had to put a stop to their experiments and leave the Earth. Unto Adam also and to his wife did Yahweh Elohim make coats of skins, and clothed them. Genesis 3: 21. The creators gave their creations the basic means of survival, enough to manage without needing any further contact with them. The Bible has preserved a sentence, which is close to the original document: 2 Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil : and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever. Genesis 3: 22. Human life is very short, but there is a scientific way to prolong it. Human scientists who study all their lives can only begin to amass sufficient knowledge to start making interesting discoveries when they get old, which is the reason why human progress is so slow. If humans could live ten times longer, scientific knowledge would take a gigantic leap forward. 17
  • 42. I NTELLIGENT D ESIGN : M ESSAGE F ROM T HE D ESIGNERS If when they were first created these new beings could have lived much longer, they would have quite rapidly become our equals because their mental faculties are slightly superior to our own. They are unaware of their full potential. This applies especially to the people of Israel who, as I mentioned earlier, had been selected in a contest as the most successful type of humanoid on Earth due to their intelligence and genius. This explains why they have always considered themselves to be the “chosen people”. In truth they were the people chosen by the teams of scientists who gathered together to judge their creations. You can see for yourself the number of geniuses born out of that race. So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. Genesis 3: 24. Soldiers with atomic disintegration weapons were placed at the entrance to the creators’ residence to prevent human beings from stealing more scientific knowledge.’ The Flood ‘Let us move on to the fourth chapter of Genesis. And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto Yahweh. And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. Genesis 4: 3-4. The creators in exile who were left under military surveillance, urged the human beings to bring them food in order to show their own superiors that the newly created people were good, and that they 18
  • 43. T HE T RUTH - T HE F LOOD would never turn against their creators. Thus they managed to obtain permission for the leaders of these first human beings to benefit from the “tree of life”, and this explains how they lived so long: Adam lived for 930 years, Seth for 912 years and Enos for 905 years, and so on as is stated in Genesis, Chapter 5, Verses 1-11. And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of Elohim saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. Genesis 6: 1-2. The creators living in exile took the most beautiful daughters of humanity and made them their wives. My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. Genesis 6: 3. Longevity is not hereditary and much to the relief of the authorities on the distant planet, the children of the new human beings did not automatically benefit from the “tree of life”. Thus the secret of life was lost, and mankind’s progress was slowed down. When the sons of Elohim came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. Genesis 6: 4. There you have proof that the creators could have intercourse with the daughters of humanity whom they had created in their own image, and in so doing produced exceptional children. These actions seemed very dangerous to people on the distant planet. The scientific progress on Earth was fantastic, and they decided to destroy what had been created. 19
  • 44. I NTELLIGENT D ESIGN : M ESSAGE F ROM T HE D ESIGNERS And Elohim saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6: 5. The “evil” in question was the desire of human beings to become scientific and independent people equal to their creators. Being “good”, as far as those on the Elohim’s planet were concerned meant the new human beings would remain primitive, vegetating on the Earth. Their “evil” was their wish to progress, perhaps enabling them one day to catch up with their creators. The government then decided from their distant planet to destroy all life on Earth by sending nuclear missiles. However when the exiled creators were informed of the project they asked Noah to build a spaceship, which would orbit the Earth during the cataclysm containing a pair of each species that was to be preserved. This was true figuratively speaking, but in reality - and your scientific knowledge will very soon enable you to understand this - a single living cell of each species, male and female, is all that is required to recreate a whole being. This is something like the first living cell of a fetus in the womb of its mother, which already possesses all the information needed to create a human being right down to the color of its eyes and hair. This was a colossal task, but it was completed on time. When the explosion took place, life had already been preserved a few thousand kilometers above the Earth. The continent was submerged by a gigantic tidal wave, which destroyed all forms of life on its surface. The ark... was lift up above the earth. Genesis 7: 17. As you can clearly see, it is said that the ark was lifted “above” the Earth and not “on” the water. Then it was necessary to wait until there was no more dangerous radioactive fallout: 20
  • 45. T HE T RUTH - T HE F LOOD And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days. Genesis 7: 24. The spacecraft had three sections: ...and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it. Genesis 6: 16. Later it landed on Earth, and besides Noah, it carried a couple from each race of human beings on the Earth. And Elohim remembered Noah... and Elohim made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters asswaged. Genesis 8: 1. After monitoring the level of radioactivity and dispersing it scientifically, the creators told Noah to release the animals to see if they could survive in the atmosphere. This operation was successful, and they were able to venture out into the open air. The creators then asked the human survivors to work and multiply, and show their gratitude to their benefactors who had created them and saved them from destruction. Noah agreed to give a portion of their harvest and their cattle to the creators to ensure they survived: And Noah builded an altar unto Yahweh; and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar. Genesis 8: 20. The creators were happy to see that humans wished them well, and they promised never to try to destroy their creation again. They understood that it was only normal for them to want to progress scientifically. ...for the imagination of man’s heart is evil. Genesis 8: 21. 21
  • 46. I NTELLIGENT D ESIGN : M ESSAGE F ROM T HE D ESIGNERS The goal of humankind is scientific progress. Each race of humanity was then returned to its original place of creation, and each animal was recreated from the cells which had been preserved aboard the ark. And by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood. Genesis 10: 32.’ The Tower of Babel ‘But the most intelligent race, the people of Israel, was making such remarkable progress that they were soon able to undertake the conquest of space with the help of the exiled creators. The latter wanted their new human beings to go to the creators’ planet to obtain their pardon, by showing that they were not only intelligent and scientific but also grateful and peaceful. So they built an enormous rocket - The Tower of Babel. And now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Genesis 11: 6. The people on our planet became frightened when they heard about this. They were still observing the Earth and knew that life had not been destroyed. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech. So Yahweh scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth. Genesis 11: 7-8. 22
  • 47. T HE T RUTH - T HE TOWER O F B ABEL So they came and took the Jews who had the most scientific knowledge and scattered them all over the continent among primitive tribes in countries where nobody could understand them because the language was different, and they destroyed all their scientific instruments.’ Sodom and Gomorrah ‘The exiled creators were pardoned and allowed to return to their original planet where they pleaded the case of their magnificent creation. As a result, everyone on the distant planet fixed their eyes on the Earth because it was inhabited by people they had themselves created. But among the humans who had been dispersed on Earth, a few nursed the desire for vengeance, so they gathered in the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah and, having managed to salvage a few scientific secrets, they prepared an expedition aimed at punishing those who had tried to destroy them. Consequently, the creators sent two spies to investigate what was going on: 3 And there came two angels to Sodom at even . Genesis 19: 1. Some humans tried to kill them, but the spies managed to blind their attackers with a pocket atomic weapon: And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great. Genesis 19: 11. They warned those who were peaceful to leave the town because they were going to destroy it with an atomic explosion: 23
  • 48. INTELLIGENT DESIGN: MESSAGE FROM THE DESIGNERS Up, get you out of this place; for Yahweh will destroy this city. Genesis 19: 14. As the people were leaving town, they were in no particular hurry because they did not realize what an atomic explosion could mean. Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain. Genesis 19: 17. And the bomb fell on Sodom and Gomorrah: Then Yahweh rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from Yahweh out of heaven; And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground. But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. Genesis 19: 24-26. As you now know, burns caused by an atomic explosion kill those who are too near and make them look like salt statues.’ The Sacrifice of Abraham ‘Later, after most of their leading intellectuals had been destroyed, and they had relapsed into a semi-primitive state, the creators wished to see if the people of Israel, and particularly their leader, still had positive feelings towards them. This is related in the paragraph where Abraham wants to sacrifice his own son. The creators tested him to see if his feelings towards them were sufficiently strong. Fortunately, the experiment ended positively. 24
  • 49. T HE T RUTH - T HE S ACRIFICE O F A BRAHAM Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest Elohim. Genesis 22: 12. There you have it. Assimilate it all and write down everything that I have just told you. I will tell you more tomorrow.’ Once again the small man took leave of me, and his spacecraft rose slowly into the air. Because the sky was clearer this time, I was able to watch more closely as it took off. It hovered motionless at a height of about 400 meters, then still without the slightest sound, the vessel turned red as if it was heating up, then as white as white-hot metal, and then finally a sort of bluish purple like an enormous spark, which was impossible to look at. Then it disappeared completely. 25
  • 50. 3 WATCHING OVER THE CHOSEN PEOPLE Moses T he following day I again met with my visitor, and he immediately continued his story. ‘In Genesis, Chapter 28, there is another description of our presence: And behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of Elohim ascending and descending on it. Genesis 28: 12. Because of the destruction of centers of progress such as Sodom and Gomorrah and the elimination of the most intelligent individuals, human beings had lapsed back into a very primitive state and had begun, rather stupidly, to adore pieces of stone and idols, forgetting those who had really created them: Put away the foreign gods that are among you. Genesis 35: 2. In Exodus, we appeared to Moses. And the angel of Yahweh appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush 26
  • 51. WATCHING OVER THE C HOSEN P EOPLE - M OSES burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. Exodus 3: 2. A rocket landed in front of him, and his description corresponds to what a Brazilian tribesman might say today if we were to land before him in a flying vessel illuminating the trees without burning them. The people chosen as the most intelligent had lost their most brilliant minds and had become slaves to neighboring tribes who were more numerous since they had not undergone the same destruction. It was thus necessary to restore dignity to the people of Israel by returning their land to them. The beginning of Exodus describes all that we had to do to help liberate the people of Israel. Once departed, we guided them to the country, which we had destined for them: And Yahweh went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night. Exodus 13: 21. In order to slow down the march of the Egyptians who had started to pursue them: The pillar of the cloud went from before their face, and stood behind them... and it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light by night to these: so that the one came not near the other all the night. Exodus 14: 19-20. The smoke emitted behind the people of Israel made a curtain, which slowed down their pursuers. Then the crossing of the water was made possible by a repulsion beam, which cleared a passageway: 27
  • 52. I NTELLIGENT D ESIGN : M ESSAGE F ROM T HE D ESIGNERS And Yahweh caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. Exodus 14: 21. Thus Yahweh saved Israel that day out of the hand of the Egyptians. Exodus 14: 30. While they were crossing the desert the chosen people began to feel hungry: Upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar frost on the ground. Exodus 16: 14. The manna was nothing more than pulverized synthetic chemical food, which when spread on the ground, swelled with the early morning dew. As for the staff which allowed Moses to draw water from the rock, as it says in Exodus 17:6 - it was nothing but a detector of underground water pools similar to those which you use at present to find oil, for example. Once the water is located, one has only to dig. Then in Chapter 20 of Exodus a certain number of rules are cited. Because the Israelites were so primitive, they needed laws regarding morals and especially hygiene. These were outlined in the commandments. The creators came to dictate these laws to Moses on Mount Sinai, and they arrived in a flying vessel: And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud; so that all the people that was in the camp trembled... And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because Yahweh descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly. And when the voice of the trumpet 28
  • 53. WATCHING OVER THE C HOSEN P EOPLE - M OSES sounded long, and waxed louder and louder. Moses spake, and Elohim answered him by a voice. Exodus 19: 16-19. The creators were afraid of being invaded or maltreated by human beings. It was therefore essential that they be respected, even venerated, so that they would be in no danger: The people cannot come up to mount Sinai... but let not the priests and the people break through to come up unto Yahweh, lest he break forth upon them. Exodus 19: 23-24. Also, it was written: And Moses alone shall come near Yahweh: but they shall not come nigh; neither shall the people go up with him. Exodus 24: 2. They saw the God of Israel: And there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness. Exodus 24: 10. There you have the description of the pedestal upon which one of the creators presented himself, and it was made of the same bluish alloys as the floor of the machine in which we are now sitting. And the sight of the glory of Yahweh was like devouring fire on the top of the mount. Exodus 24: 17. Here you have a description of “the glory” of the creators - in reality, the flying vessel - and, as you have already noticed, upon take- off it has a coloration similar to that of fire. 29
  • 54. I NTELLIGENT D ESIGN : M ESSAGE F ROM T HE D ESIGNERS This team of creators was going to live on the Earth for some time, and they wished to eat fresh food. That is why they asked the Israelites to bring them fresh provisions regularly and also riches, which they wanted to take back to their own planet. I suppose you might call it colonization: Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering: of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering. And this is the offering which ye shall take of them; gold, and silver, and brass, and blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and goats’ hair. Exodus 25: 2-4. They also decided that they would like to live more comfortably, so they asked the human beings to build them a residence according to plans they had drawn up. The plans are described in Chapter 26 of the Book of Exodus. In this residence they would meet the representatives of the people. It was a meeting tent where people brought food and gifts as a pledge of submission. And it came to pass, as Moses entered into the tabernacle, the cloudy pillar descended, and stood at the door of the tabernacle and Yahweh talked with Moses... And Yahweh spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. Exodus 33: 8-11. Just as today I can speak to you as you can speak to me, man to man. Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live. Exodus 33: 20. There you have reference to the difference in atmosphere between our planets. Humans cannot see their creators unless the latter are protected by a pressurized suit, because the terrestrial atmosphere is 30
  • 55. WATCHING OVER THE C HOSEN P EOPLE - M OSES not suitable for them. If a man came to our planet he would see the creators without a space suit, but he would die because the atmosphere is not suitable for him. The entire beginning of Leviticus explains how the foods offered to the creators had to be brought to them for their replenishment. For example, in Leviticus 21: 17 it says: Whosoever he be of thy seed in their generations that hath any 4 blemish , let him not approach to offer the bread of his Elohim. This is obviously to prevent sick or deformed people, who were symbols of failure and therefore unbearable to the eyes of the creators, from presenting themselves before them. In the Book of Numbers 11:7-8 there is a very precise description of the manna, which your chemists could very easily reproduce: And the manna was as coriander seed, and the colour thereof as the colour of bdellium... and the taste of it was as the taste of fresh oil. This manna was nothing more than a chemical food, but the creators preferred fresh fruits and vegetables: And whatsoever is first ripe in the land, which they shall bring unto Yahweh, shall be thine. Numbers 18: 13. Later, the creators taught human beings how to inject themselves to treat snakebites: Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. Numbers 21: 8. 31
  • 56. I NTELLIGENT D ESIGN : M ESSAGE F ROM T HE D ESIGNERS As soon as someone was bitten, he “looked” at the “serpent of brass”, that is to say, a syringe was brought to him, and he was injected with serum. Finally, the journey, which led the “chosen people” to the Promised Land, came to an end. Following the advice of the creators, they destroyed the idols of the local primitive people and took over their territories: Then ye shall... destroy all their molten images...and ye shall dispossess the inhabitants of the land, and dwell therein: for I have given you the land to possess it. Numbers 33: 52-53. The “chosen people” finally reached their Promised Land: And because he loved thy fathers, therefore he chose their seed after them. Deuteronomy 4: 37. In the Book of Joshua, Chapter 3, Verses 15-16, we read about the crossing of the Jordan: And as they that bare the ark were come unto Jordan... the waters which came down from above stood and rose up upon an heap very far from the city... and those that came down toward the sea of the plain, even the salt sea, failed, and were cut off: and the people passed over right against Jericho. Thus the creators helped the “chosen people” cross without getting their feet wet, just as they had done in their escape from the Egyptians by using the same water repulsion ray.’ 32
  • 57. WATCHING OVER THE C HOSEN P EOPLE - T HE T RUMPETS OF J ERICHO The Trumpets of Jericho ‘At the end of Chapter 5 in the Book of Joshua, there is a meeting between a military creator and the chosen people regarding the resistance of the city of Jericho. 5 But as captain of the host of Yahweh am I now come. Joshua 5: 14. A military consultant was sent to the Jewish people to assist them in the siege of Jericho. It is easy to understand how the walls were knocked down. You know that the very high voice of a singer can crack a crystal glass. By using highly amplified ultrasonic waves, one can knock down any concrete wall. This is what was done using a very complicated instrument, which the Bible calls a “trumpet”: When they make a long blast with the ram’s horn, and when ye hear the sound of the trumpet... and the wall of the city shall fall down flat. Joshua 6: 5. At a given moment, the ultrasounds were emitted in a synchronized way, and the walls fell down. A little later, some real bombing took place: Yahweh cast down great stones from heaven upon them unto Azekah, and they died: they were more which died with hailstones than they whom the children of Israel slew with the sword. Joshua 10: 11. This full scale bombing, as indicated, killed more people than the swords of the Israelites. One of the most distorted passages is in Joshua, Chapter 10, Verse 13, where it is stated: 33
  • 58. I NTELLIGENT D ESIGN : M ESSAGE F ROM T HE D ESIGNERS And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. This simply means that it was a flash war, which lasted only one day – in fact, it is stated later that the war occupied “about a whole day”. It was so short, when you consider the extent of the land conquered, that people thought the sun had stood still. In the Book of Judges, Chapter 6, Verse 21, one of the creators is again in contact with a man called Gideon who delivers food to him: Then the angel of Yahweh put forth the end of the staff that was in his hand, and touched the flesh and the unleavened cakes; and there rose up fire out of the rock, and consumed the flesh and the unleavened cakes. Then the angel of Yahweh departed out of his sight. The creators were unable to eat in the open air because of their pressurized suits, but if necessary, using a scientific technique, they could feed themselves by extracting the essentials from these offerings using a flexible tube or cane. The process radiates flames, which made people at the time think sacrifices to God were being made. In Chapter 7 of the Book of Judges, 300 men with “trumpets” surrounded the enemy camp, and using highly amplified ultrasonic instruments, they blew them simultaneously in order to drive all the people in the camp mad. You know now that certain high pitched sounds carried to extremes can drive anyone mad. Indeed the people who had been surrounded went mad; the soldiers killed each other and ran away.’ 34
  • 59. WATCHING OVER THE C HOSEN P EOPLE - S AMSON THE T ELEPATHIST Samson the Telepathist ‘In Judges, Chapter 13, there is yet another example of mating taking place between the creators and human women: And the angel of Yahweh appeared unto the woman, and said unto her, Behold now, thou art barren, and bearest not: but thou shalt conceive, and bear a son. Judges 13: 3. It was necessary that the fruit of this union be healthy so that the behavior of the child could be studied. This is why he tells her: And drink not wine nor strong drink, and eat not any unclean thing: for, lo, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; and no razor shall come on his head: for the child shall be a Nazarite unto Elohim from the womb. Judges 13: 4-5. Later, it is written: And the angel of Elohim came again unto the woman as she sat in the field: but Manoah her husband was not with her. Judges 13: 9. It is easy to imagine what happened during her husband’s absence... It was an easy task for the scientists to cure her sterility. In this way she was made aware that she was going to give birth to an exceptional individual, and that she should take the utmost care of her baby. It was wonderful for the creators to mate with a daughter of humanity. This enabled them to have sons ruling directly on Earth, where the atmosphere was not suitable for themselves. The point about not shaving off any hair is very important. The human brain is like a huge transmitter, capable of sending out a 35
  • 60. I NTELLIGENT D ESIGN : M ESSAGE F ROM T HE D ESIGNERS multitude of very accurate waves and thoughts. In fact, telepathy is nothing more than that. But this type of transmitter requires antennae, and the hair and beard are these antennae. That is why you should not shave off any hair if you want to make use of your transmitters. You have surely noticed that many of your scientists have long hair, and often a beard. Prophets and other wise people have them too. Now you can understand why. The child was born. It was Samson, whose story you know. He was able to communicate directly with “God” by telepathy, thanks to his natural antennae - his hair. And the creators could then help him during difficult moments and produce marvels to reinforce his authority. But when Delilah cut his hair, he could no longer ask for help. Then his eyes were gouged out by his enemies, but when his hair grew again, he regained his “strength”. That is to say, he could once again ask for help from the creators who then demolished the temple where he was touching the columns. All of this was attributed to Samson’s strength. In Samuel, Chapter 3, we find Elijah initiating Samuel into telepathy. The creators wanted to contact Samuel, and he thinks that Elijah is speaking to him. He “hears voices”: Go, lie down: and it shall be, if he call thee, that thou shalt say, Speak, Yahweh; for thy servant heareth. 1 Samuel 3: 9. This is a little like the behavior of amateur radio operators who might say, “Go ahead, I can hear you loud and clear”. And the telepathic conversation begins: ‘Samuel, Samuel.’ Then Samuel answered, ‘Speak; for thy servant heareth.’ 1 Samuel 3: 10-11. 36
  • 61. WATCHING OVER THE C HOSEN P EOPLE - S AMSON T HE T ELEPATHIST In the episode where David challenges Goliath there is quite an interesting sentence which ends: ...that he should defy the armies of the living Elohim? 1 Samuel 17: 26. This shows the reality of the presence in that epoch of a quite tangible “God”. Telepathy as a means of communication between the creators and human beings was only possible when the Elohim were in proximity to the Earth. When they were on their distant planet, or elsewhere, they could not communicate in this way. For this reason they set up a transmitter-receiver, which was transported in the “Ark of God” - an apparatus containing its own atomic powered cell. This is why in the First Book of Samuel, Chapters 5 and 6, when the Philistines stole the Ark, their idol Dagon lay face down on the ground nearby, as the result of an electrical discharge caused by their clumsy mishandling of it. They also suffered radiation burns from the dangerous radioactive materials: 6 And smote them with emerods . 1 Samuel 5: 6. Even the Jews who had not taken precautions while handling the Ark were harmed: Uzzah put forth his hand to the ark of Elohim, and took hold of it; for the oxen shook it. And the anger of Yahweh was kindled against Uzzah; and Elohim smote him there for his error; and there he died by the ark of Elohim. 2 Samuel 6: 6-7. The Ark almost fell over and Uzzah, trying to hold it up, touched a dangerous part of the machine and was electrocuted. 37
  • 62. I NTELLIGENT D ESIGN : M ESSAGE F ROM T HE D ESIGNERS In the first book of Kings (1 Kings 1:50 and 1 Kings 2:28), we read in several places of individuals who “caught hold on the horns of the altar”. This refers to the manipulation of the transmitter-receiver levers while trying to communicate with the creators.’ The First Residence to Welcome the Elohim ‘The great King Solomon had a sumptuous residence built in order to welcome the creators when they came to visit the Earth: 7 Yahweh said He would dwell in thick darkness . I have surely built thee an house to dwell in. 1 Kings 8: 12-13. For the glory of Yahweh had filled the house of Yahweh. 1 Kings 8: 11. The cloud filled the house of Yahweh. 1 Kings 8: 10. And I will dwell among the children of Israel. 1 Kings 6: 13. So the creators lived in a cloud, or rather in a vessel that orbits above the clouds. Imagine trying to make primitive people understand that. There came a man of Elohim out of Judah by the word of Yahweh unto Bethel...and said...behold, the altar shall be rent. When king Jeroboam heard the saying of the man of Elohim, which had cried against the altar in Bethel, that he put forth his hand from the altar, saying, ‘Lay hold on him.’ And his hand, which he put forth against him, dried up, so that he could not pull it in again to him. 1 Kings 13: 1-5. 38